The Empty Throne Favorites


We have another great event on the books!!

Thank you ALL for coming out to adventure within Rathfall once again.

There were many moving parts in our Empty Throne event, what were some of your favourite and most memorable moments? Share them here and shout out the NPCs, fellow players, and plot that were involved!
I had enjoyed the underdark mods
And awaken the brother mountain.
Dramthin and a handful of others stratigically dragging around incapacitated mycanoids in the underdark on Friday. That was really clever!

The Commonwealth berating me with botanical questions during breakfast, y'all are meanies.

During a stealth mod on Saturday, the route for my gaurd patrol went through a cabin. The back door was locked and I heard people rattling it from outside. I went ahead and followed my patrol route, unlocking and opening the back door, to find every player on the mod waiting there! I got killed in like, five seconds, lol.

As a blightling I landed 100 body on a couple people, which was so satisfying. I also managed to absorb 4 or 5 of the balls! Getting that power up was fun

Jamie, Jamie Antlers, and Blight Water. I'll leave it there.

Wish I could've stuck around for longer, this was a great weekend!
My favorites:

Berating (Ana) Adonis Greencloak as Daniel was absolutely the highlight of my weekend. I understand we do a lot of pontificating as Plot with Earth's Chosen, but really the entire tavern piling on to the conversation was so cathartic for me. When I went back to NPC camp I gave Ana a big hug.

The PCs deciding to come to Daniel's "defense" the night before was unexpected, but very sweet.

Laying in the night grass as an NPC in a full Cow mask waiting to be discovered was actually really fun. Being the body let me hear the initial conversation AND the ripple effects, and that was super cool. Also, more nonbinary representation. Is Meadow a guy? Girl? My dude, Meadow is a Cow.

Herschel is always fun to play. Just an exasperated Lost One that wants to make sure the world keeps spinning. Two PCs tried to "acquire" Herschel this game and I'm looking forward to that fight.

I had the Bryas Montague outfit ready, but it never seemed time for him to come out. Which was actually pretty great. Makes his appearances more impactful.

I crunchied exactly once this event, as a Myconid during I think the second Underdark encounter. It was super satisfying when the PCs assessed the threat and fled the scene. The PCs came back stronger, but as a side that is taught not to "win", when you get to cut loose, oh boy it feels good. My out of game health makes it difficult to be a crunchy for long, but I'm happy this was my moment this time.

As always, a big thank you to the other NPCs who keep the opposition stocked and the moments heroic, and the PCs who keep trying in a really dark setting.

And it's nice to know that Sable is liked enough by everyone to put their lives on line when he went down in the under dark.
It was nice to be at the event for the whole time this time. Some of my favorites. We’re just the different moments I had with some of my named NPC’s.

The conversation with people as Fortinbras and getting the handout the necklaces with wheat charms on them for those in his house. Hope to bring more of you in. The breakfast chat for those who know what I’m talking about.

Conversations as Sebastian Castbreaker.

Peoples reactions during the blightball mod as they would search me and I would give them random things that they found on my blighting like a Half eaten spoiled sausage, a blight rotting apple or a small lizard.

The reactions to Brother Mountain. The look on a PC face when I feel apart. Telling people that I had died many time and the reaction recognition that that doesn’t happen in Rathfall. Getting complemented on the full hand, make up and the great RP moment that happened.
BM: where are from?
Sarvey: Whitehaven it’s in the Blight lands near the lake? What’s something that we could tell him that we he know about?
BM: let me show you a maps(turns over open hand.
S: it’s a topographic map!!!

Palling around with the Prince as his Bodyguard.

I really really REALLY think it was a top tier call by the plot team to allow a sorta catch up event. Rathfall has so many things to offer us that it is easy to get swept up. But this event really helped me and I know others find footing and thats all thanks to you the plot team.

My favorite part has to be stealth mods infact this event I had my first two and I am hooked!
Sorry I missed your mods
Now that I am feeling better from the heat sickness. I thought it time to post some favorites. I deeply appreciate the Rathfall Plot Team giving us the opportunity to follow-up on those hanging plot threads. Rathfall has Liddia held deep by intriguing politics, factions and how we as players affect the story.

Not meaning to sneak up behind Lothbrook on Friday night and I guess hugging the wrong one. Oh well, my bad. I blame my Vornae nature or Alex playing both. I guess I'll have to pay attention when card games are being played if Jaeger is involved. Need to spend time with that guy. He's so dang cool.

Having a deep dive in the cave and seeing the mushrooms and the claw tyrant first hand. Freaking terrifying. The shadow play with the garb and the digigrade legs, peek horror right there. Only to get back to talk to the NPC and seeing the look on Dramathin's face realizing that we weren't investigating Jet at all.

Bringing a noble to justice and the arrest. Walking Oliver away from the situation. And then no on following the Lord to actually arrest him, thank the heavens for Rengar and the zoom, Zoom. I look forward to how we have changed Fortinbras' thoughts and how we can evoke positive change.

All hail Tristan. Ethan just keeps giving and giving as that NPC. I am still uncertain as to if he is in league with the Garden Society or a useful idiot for them.

Morning discussions with Fortinbras. I really hope I did NOT screw the pooch with that meeting. Liddia took a leap of faith.

Elmira, you know what you did. Don't die.

The Blight sponges. That was so intense. And I have never been so thankful for a well prepped Cloak wall. Cole tried to Corrupt Liddia way too many times. Thank goodness there were Cloaks and Resist Spell. I have further questions for Master Mistweaver Raido.

Ha! Parabolic reflector mirrors and light. I can sometimes pull things out of my butt.

Disappointed that I missed Jonas but, I was melting. I'll have that conversation later.

The small reprogramming the golem module with John, Derek, and Jared. Being able to have fun with experiments and greatly affect the big module on Saturday was very rewarding. All NPCs were fun. Good role-playing and JoJo!

Trying to push to talk to Brother Mountain at round two of the caves and deciding that retreat was the best option. And Sarvy doing what Sarvy does.due.

Bountiful Harvest ritual. I thought that I was clear Aicha. I promise, it wasn't a trap. All the singing. So glad Jack was on point with protection and Quickens did their thing. I love that type of casting.

The final push. That crash pad was great. More crash pad. More jumping into holes. And Brother Mountain. I can't wait to talk to him and ask him questions and feed him tasty treats!

Klack and Bada's Resurrection.

Scarlet Vixen and the party. Girl we will save you. I really enjoyed all who came with. It was the perfect mix of well dressed, smack and sass. I have never seen Bada exercise so much self control in the face of a vampire. Now we plan.

Elder Sky communing. Liddia now understands why Arlo said that the stars lie.

I'll remember more later.

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This was a great event. I'll echo Jeremy here and say that giving PCs a chance to drive the plot and do some catch-up on missed or unpursued plot points was a really great opportunity.

  1. My race change. Emma absolutely killed it as Kore. With both Ragnarok and Sarvey as Oathsworn hype-men, the ritual was great. I had a lot of fun.
  2. Heist mod. I am not built for stealth. This was so tense, but it went so well. Between a fantastic team of PCs and the great NPCs, it was such a good time. The canned repetitive dialogue, the prisoner placed there as bait for Aiden (I see you, Derek), the perfect treasure for Sarvey at the end -- incredible. 10/10, would break into that estate again.
  3. Arresting nobles on behalf of Viceroy Fortinbras. That is the kind of Schadenfreude that Aiden needed to kick things off.
  4. The Saturday night town fight was tough, but very rewarding and lots of fun. Main takeaway: I need more mettles.
All of this was mitigated by our stupid car breaking down again (for the last time, it's either getting sold or I'm putting a gas-soaked cloth in the gas tank and lighting it on fire), but the event was still so much fun. HUGE shoutout to Briar and Jeremy for coming out and getting our sorry asses.
I forgot Almost getting away as my Cow kin. Classic.
This was a great event. I'll echo Jeremy here and say that giving PCs a chance to drive the plot and do some catch-up on missed or unpursued plot points was a really great opportunity.

  1. My race change. Emma absolutely killed it as Kore. With both Ragnarok and Sarvey as Oathsworn hype-men, the ritual was great. I had a lot of fun.
  2. Heist mod. I am not built for stealth. This was so tense, but it went so well. Between a fantastic team of PCs and the great NPCs, it was such a good time. The canned repetitive dialogue, the prisoner placed there as bait for Aiden (I see you, Derek), the perfect treasure for Sarvey at the end -- incredible. 10/10, would break into that estate again.
  3. Arresting nobles on behalf of Viceroy Fortinbras. That is the kind of Schadenfreude that Aiden needed to kick things off.
  4. The Saturday night town fight was tough, but very rewarding and lots of fun. Main takeaway: I need more mettles.
All of this was mitigated by our stupid car breaking down again (for the last time, it's either getting sold or I'm putting a gas-soaked cloth in the gas tank and lighting it on fire), but the event was still so much fun. HUGE shoutout to Briar and Jeremy for coming out and getting our sorry asses.
I only did it for attention dont flatter yourself ;)
¡Such a delightful and amazing weekend! NPCs and PCs alike were groovy and receptive and creative and so much fun! Some great memories in no particular order:
  • Wrangling all kinds of different folk to scout Underdark caves on Friday. Sure, it wasn't the Jett cave, but it was still spooky and spectacular. The Myconid NPCs were creepy and wonderful good sports as we pushed and tugged them into position as living claymores. Ana was just a really happy explodey shroomy and seemed just as satisfied blowing us up as her friends. Derek as the Claw Tyrant was violent and terrifying as he kept just wandering into and out of the shadows, "What Is THAT?! Wait, where'd it go? Guys! Guys!"
  • Selling drinks to everyone was just a lot of fun. Folks are generally generous and that's a nice reminder. Now, I just need to get a better selection and delivery service
  • The Biata/Gryphon hunt with Atradimas et al. was a refreshing and fun puzzle mod. Trying to best an ancient Ethan as Biata Force Ghost without actually fighting was intriguing. Theo's indignant, "What? No, I'm the nice one! You guys tear him a new one!" was delightful. I liked how it resolved (while also making Atradimas' life that much harder)
  • Going Baron Baiting with the OPH in Rook's Alley was a rip-snorting good time. The wealth of indignant outcries after "And remember, y'all, No bodies!" will be treasured. It's always fun when Housemother "Anklebreaker" Adlao comes out to play
  • The frustrating, belittling, maddening, wonderful conversation with Governess "Is that Really the Best You Can Do?" Sadie was a blast. Aicha blanching every time Sadie corrected her posture, pouring style, or articulation kept me in stitches; poor Aura giving Dramthin meaningful "DUDE! STOP!" glances (which he pointedly ignored); Rengar prowling in the background and being called to the carpet like a wayward cub. The best part was Sadie saying All The Right Things about gentrifying forces in underfunded and disenfranchised urban areas, "Listen. Attend the local culture. Help them help themselves." She just said it in the bitchiest way possible making it nearly impossible to take her advice as anything but abuse (yes, I get the irony. stop looking at me that way, lorelei)
  • The entire Euphoria Party was fun from a number of reason (including the unmitigated, moustache-twirling, cartoon evilness of making peasants scramble in the dirt for vials of Euphoria). I especially enjoyed playing with Cole as Thrace after Charming him. His straight-faced delivery, "Hey, I know we're friends and all, but really, my dude, slag off. I'm having fun here. I don't know these peasants and, even if I did, I wouldn't care. They can't stop me from kicking them, so I'm justified in kicking them. Seriously, brah. Not that hard." Played the dude-bro douchebag perfectly: hit every chord, no notes.
    • At the same time, it was some deep-level tragedy watching Thomas and Claribel playing different response to utter desperation and despair: Thomas, "I have a family! I need help, please! please...."; Claribel, "No! My name is Horse! I can't stop. I have to go back. This is all I am. i am horse..." Shattering. Both of you did amazing jobs
  • The side scene with Weaver "Twice the C4 is only half a measure" Dino (Derek), Jojo (Jared), and Liddia was so much silly fun. Derek and Jared excel at turning small, mostly-silly side-gigs into truly amusing and rewarding experiences. The outcome really wasn't affected, but both of them were more than happy to wander off the beaten path as Amanda and I tried to Science the **** out of the Construct. You know you've got a good team when reaching into a paint bucket to grab cotton balls is a helluva good time
  • In that same vein, talking with Aido (Ian), Liddia, Atradimas about the Blight sponges and mechano-magical theory. I lurve bending the physical universe into magical horseshoes and will always seek opportunities to use magics outside their intended purposes. I find that kind of world-building intensely rewarding and am always happy when Plot and PCs are willing to indulge the logical and creative turns of mind
  • JT as Adherent "I tell it like it is" Daniel and and Lost One "I done got throwed in jail... again...." Herschel are morsels of wholesomeness in an world pantry of sugar and crack-cocaine. They are some of my favourite special little beans and I want to save them every time
  • Ian as Jonas is rapidly becoming my vision of Richard Feynman: brilliant, disorienting, lives half his life in a cloud-chamber of possibilities, probably a drunk, but capable of crystalline moments of personal connection. The quick scene with the letter of recommendation was touching and exactly how I wish such real-world experiences actually happened. Much of LARP is about struggle against overwhelming odds and heroism, but I appreciate that it can also be about small-moments of "This is how Life should be" fantasy
While I know that I haven't attended many events, this was easily my favorite so far!
  • OOG getting there early for once was amazing, work normally prevents that so it was awesome to actually get ready with everyone. Rocking out to SOAD in the bathroom was amazing and gave me such high school flashbacks lol!
  • The new Whitehaven Building system! It's the perfect blend of fun and base building that scratches my brain perfectly!
  • Starting off strong on Friday night with the fun jaunt into an utterly horrible nightmare cave! I absolutely have to parrot John in saying that Derek-as-Claw-Tyrant was absolutely terrifying. I have an astigmatism so the few lights we had washing out details and obscuring the four-legged mass in inky shadow had me pretty dang scared in the best of ways. Derek's a terrifying person to fight too, I kept hesitating and pulling back! But Atradimas having Dramthin as their anchor-point and being able to stomach some of that fear for the sake of SCIENCE was great. They're the best cousin a new adventurer could ask for!
  • ICE CREAM (soup). While I was torn up that the ice cream had melted as much as it had, I was so happy to see that it was still received well! I'll definitely be making it again for August, next time there'll be more flavor options to pick from! If anyone has any comments, requests, or critiques PLEASE let me know, it's my first time so I want to do everything I can to improve my recipes! I personally think the vanilla was a tad too sweet but I have a very unsweet sweet tooth lol.
  • His Royal Highness Tristan Rumil and his "loyal" bodyguard Kai! My most resplendent lord and new pain in Atradimas' neck! In absolutely no world did I even remotely anticipate Tristan of all people to be the new governor and it was such a perfect plot twist executed perfectly; it literally had people searching for clues that he was lying or that it was all a joke. I'm a big fan of politicking and I absolutely love Atradimas having to abide by form and function; bowing, not leaving Tristan's side unless dismissed, carefully picking which style of address to use to maximize the impact of a particular sentence. UGH. I adore historical dramas so I am eating it up and VERY excited for future appearances of the Prince! Him coming up with a bunch of random junk as the town's reward was the cherry on top. I think he even stole Yvraine's wedding bouquet to regift?? PERFECTION, he's such a mess of a human being and it's great to watch that train wreck saunter around like he owns the place. <3
  • Atradimas getting to hit the town for Scarlet Vixen's wedding party. The RP was great and I had a lot of fun being Atradimas "The Distraction" Dovana, occupying the bodyguard with utterly worthless chit chat, scandalous fibs, and pointless job offers. Smiling pleasantries to the engaged couple while exchanging venom about cheating partners and evil vampires behind my fan was to die for. I couldn't help but feel like we had a Charlie's Angels vibe going on xD
  • Saturday night's combat was a bit intense for me, I'm still learning my limits so I'm glad I got the experience but I will definitely be staying more toward the edges than the center when possible! Developing my 'sneaky side shot' where I lunge to the side to make a shot was great and being able to help out against the enemies on the ridge/ledge that couldn't be hit by the melee folks made me feel like I was really helping contribute! That and the cure fives to get people up! "I force feed you [...] poison five healing" is burned into my brain now!
  • Atradimas becoming friends with Elmira was one of the most fantastically organic things. The both of them are dangerous together and the compounded chaos makes them such menaces, love every second of it and so excited for more.
  • Meeting Spinner and just living for each other's fashion sense, Atradimas didn't get to talk too much to them but is already certain they're going to be besties.
  • The Griffon/The Ghastly Biata! Such a fantastic module and I really can't praise Ethan enough for his acting skills; to the best of my knowledge they played a one-off Biata with such sincerity and visible depth of emotion. I was expecting something completely different which definitely informed Atradimas' "grab a team of people who can solve just about any problem", the resolution being something that didn't actually require combat was a VERY refreshing change of pace. Sad Atradimas didn't get to have a dance battle but there's always next time!
There's soooooooo many other amazing moments like getting glimpses of Adlao in smack-a-b mode, the drug bust where Atradimas was so upset that they didn't even get to sample anything, Iban's slay-the-house-down BODICE, but this post is already super long. Needless to say, I am so sad I won't be larping with you all till August but you are all so amazing and such an important part of my life already, love every last one of you!!!! <3
A whirlwind of a weekend for me, but a deeply rewarding one.

-Claw Tyrant hunting was fun. Ethan gets better and better at creating cards that are challenging, interesting, and a ton of fun to play.
-Lord Ollie made his usual splash. I wasn't sure if the PCs were going to help Ollie out or arrest him. Go Liddia. To have him plop down afterwards at Roff's gambling table expecting to lose my 3 gold immediately....only to have it ride and be up 18 gold. Sorry Jon.
-Guru mods are always a nice change of pace. I love collab story telling and Bryan and Josh were top notch at it. Having Sid wander in was the cherry on top.
-Disintegrating Bada and getting to run her first resurrection and getting to give it that Rathfall twist was an intense bur memorable experience.
-The Blight Blade as a high stakes rogue card was a blast. Having "flank wars" with other rogue PCs like Dramthin and Roff as we all tried to sneak around buildings was the icing the cake.
-It's not officially summer in Chicago unless I run a water ball mod chucking them at ghosts.
-That damn construct mod was mainly Jared and I shooting from the hip for whatever crazy crap John and Amanda tried. Man was it hilarious.
- I'm continually blown away by how many players are making big, bold, fun choices that will affect the main storylines in interesting ways!
-The Prince stealth mod was very cool. The manor heist mod was INTENSE. Cait did an amazing job as bait a scared prisoner.

So many other moments, but I am excited for the build in moment for this opener. Thank you all again for coming out!
Here's some that stick out:

1. The Tristan stealth mod
2. Hooking the heist stealth mod. Very fun to play opposite Aiden in a capacity other than as my PC. Dasha is now one of my favorites.
3. Hooking the Governess Sadie brunch. And taking an enslavement antidote as a 10yr old child, because y'all are PARANOID. Love it!
4. Ghost clean up: hiding in "houses" and running from PCs chucking wet sponges was a lot of fun and a nice callback to a town mod from last season.
5. Introducing Regret and tearing out my eyes in the middle of the tavern. I guess we'll see if poetry is a good coping mechanism. But seriously, please find his brother. He's so depressed.
6. The blight ball mod. Getting hit with a hallucinate near the end and roleplaying as an insane drug addict was fun. Just ran around picking up sticks thinking they would satisfy the craving for blight.
7. I didn't go on the mod, but WE BROUGHT BACK COWBUGS!
8. Adlao breaking everyone's ankles and wrists. Like. Remind me never to piss her off.
9. The Helldivers Stealth mod. I died in a cabin so quickly.
10. The Brie Buccaneers. That is all.

And of course, the thing I'll cherish the most: Aiden's racial transformation. I love collaborating with Sid and Alexander on that, you guys are fantastic! And then Ethan coming in as a very confused mistweaver shouting about a spirit that just appeared in the Earth Circle. That "resurrection" was a lot of fun.

I'm sure there's more, but these are what I think of immediately.
It was was nice seeing you there kore we have to go on a mod soon