This coming gather, the full moon, werewolves and you.


So, as people know this coming gather is on the full moon so I feel the need to make a few things clear for people.

First of all after over a year of practice, meditation, and other techniques, I have gained control over myself during a full moon. This means I will be out and about at nights as a werewolf. If you assault me unprovoked I will defend myself and have you brought up on charges. People will wonder if I am taking an unnecessary risk by doing this, but it is no more risk then I have had for nearly 2 years. I dont have to be transformed to be controlled by an alpha werewolf. If one takes the field hopefully I can get away before I am controlled, or the artifact be used quickly to protect myself and others from its control. Failing that I will need to be subdued, there will be no hard feelings if it comes to this, just dont kill me. Or let me kill anyone else.

Most important of all during the coming nights. Do not send random werewolves to the circle to resurrect, Clearly alpha werewolves and General AskaLund are the exception to this. But the random werewolves are our fellow adventurers and townspeople. They have no control over there actions, most of the newly turned people will be feral as I was years ago. They need to be subdued, not murdered. We have had many people turned recently. And likely some we dont know about.

In our adventures this summer we have taken some steps toward finding a solution to the Lycanthropy problem. Given time we will be able to fix all those afflicted. In trying to find a cure for myself, with the help of Xavic, we created the vaccine that protects many people. We have made it through many fullmoons over the years, and likely will have to make it through many more. Protect your friends, the people of stradyn and fellow adventures, but in doing so try not to kill those that are victims of the infection. If someone is intentionally or unnecessarily ressing werewolves that are our friends and countryfolk, I will see that they are held accountable for their actions.

Ward your buildings, lock your doors, and be safe this coming gather.

~Sir Tantarus Andrada, Knight of Stradyn
Do we have a plan on where to put these subdued people when captured?

That might help prevent unneeded confusion in battle/when attacked. Like a warded cabin that only vaccinated people are invested in?

I suspect Sir Eldor, Lord Braydan, Squire Kevar might have a plan for that. I am not in the loop about general plans of late. Also are we sure that they wont attack each other? We don't want it to end up in a battle royal in that room. My main concern is we don't slaughter our own people and citizens needlessly.

Didn't realize you will be around, your timing is great...

- Sir Tantarus
My experience with werewolves is brief and not on a full moon. So I have no input other than I like being a woman with a plan.

Hopefully they will announce something at the beginning of the gathering.

I will be around and hopefully will be of some help, see you soon.

Plans have been difficult for formulate to best protect the people of Barstow, those who are innocent and changed, and combat the threat of our enemy. Any ideas are welcome. With the shifting of magic across the land it is extremely difficult to sedate an individual for any extended period. I do believe that use of a ward may be viable, however, the concern is that they feral werewolves would turn on each other resulting in death and resurrection.

I believe that some of our best tools to tread this line will be those of our community that are Kin who possess refined senses to determine if a Werewolf is an enemy force, such as a Gnoll, or a potentially innocent citizen of Stradyn. Beyond this method it is up to each of us to use the senses and judgement that we have to preserve life when we are able to. It is likely a practice of subdue and release may be our best option. With a heavy bolt on the door and a courageous heart the citizens of Stradyn will weather this full moon just as they have many before.

Leaving the creatures in an injured and weakened state in the wild may result in survival instincts leading them to a safe place to lick their wounds for the night. I will speak more of this at the coming gather. Without a doubt it is a difficult fight we have ahead of us on these coming nights. Possibly more emotionally difficult than physical. All I can truly say is bring a healthy amount of resolve and as much silver is you can carry. It will be good to see you again Taliya, and I hope your travels to Barstow are peaceful.

-Squire Kevar Byrne
Squire Kavar: As much as I am loath to implicitly volunteer myself as well, this may prove a useful time to exercise your newfound racial abilities to verify identities.

In Ministerium,

Lady VVT
Oh. That had not occurred to me. Any guidance you may offer if it comes to that would be greatly appreciated Lady Vellis.

-Squire Kevar Byrne
This is more a question for Tantarus, but do you possess the strength to break out of ropes while a werewolf? If not, that might be the simple solution for keeping them from mauling each other in a ward. At least for citizens and innocent people who have been turned.

I do, I am quite strong when transformed, that said I think my power has grown over the past years, so the newly infected might not. I am also not sure if they will even attack each other. The first year I was very feral though.

That said, I am trying to not be involved in plans, because there is a real chance I get controlled. Hence being a bit out of the Loop.

For the record I do have a cursed slayer with General Askalund's name on it. Based on all of our failed attempts to cure this infection, I believe that we have to kill the Alpha to remove it. I have no proof of this, but I do think from experience this is the most likely cure at this time.

Just so your aware the only time they will attack each other is if they are commanded to by an alpha or starving to death. Also the newer transformed can break free from rope and lesser bindings.

With all my studies and research I can identify an infected by glancing at their blood. Also a Kins since of smell is good but may cause a false detection if they do not know what smell they are identifying. So it is best left to either myself or another Kin that has done detections in the past.

Now the cure is almost ready and all that is needed is some of Askalund's blood to do so. In the event we can't get his blood then I can attempt to use someone who he has directly turned. The time it would take to create the cure with that will be much much longer to complete.

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