Unique and specialized Crafting against an Army of Undead

Shen [he/him]

There are a lot unique crafting recipes and formulas that have been developed over the years by capable and inspired people. These things usually require rare and obscure materials. They usually can be made with a wide variety of skill and most are not an immense secret to my knowledge, although some are very rare and held closely by those who know the secret.

Below is a list of specialists who may know a rare thing or two that could assist you in the future, or this market, as each has dedicated skills to their craft.

Alchemy - Lady Eldandiril , Guild Master Gemclipper, Cup Bearer Aryn, and Adventurers Novi & Benjamin Bookworm.

Battle Magic Scribes - Lady Eldandril, Apprentice Magistrate Shen, Captian Aramis.

Brewing - Adventurer Migs is the only dedicated brewer I know of locally.

Smithing - Baron Foss, Thane Nyio, Ageis Bearer Draco, Guildmaster Firebeard, and Goodman Glen.

Trappers - Apprentice Concilor Eve, Guild Master Gemclipper.

Notable visitors:
  • The Gruntled Dwarf, Master Smith Gertrude - some skill or mastery on all the classic professions listed above.
  • Adventurer Avecyn - last we spoke was a Master Brewer
--being excluded from this list is not an offense, I simply don't know or don't recall your dedications to such crafts.
-- I have however only listed those whom I know are recognized journeyman as most obscure or specialized crafting typically requires that much skill in the respected trade.

In so far as the Undead, our Blacksmiths and Scribes may see the most attention as their unique skills can be most easily applied to the current situations at hand.

That said though, I am currently in process of rounding up the highly covetited ingredients for the "Life Potion" and going to attempt to seek out the brewers within the Earth Guild. Should you have, or suspect you might, have such things please contact me.

What is needed for this life potion?

The most commonly & widely known ingredient os the base of the potion; "Moon Touched Water". As most people hear that such a potion "starts" at such a substance many stop listening or loose interest after.

Another is a very rare and specific plant that I am endeavoring to keep from the brink of extinction with my magic and care after an unfortunate intense desire incident in 317 which summoned insects that ravaged portions of multiple Dutchys before it was resolved.

It being such a rare and obscure recipe, I have met few who know all, or will admit to knowing all of the ingredients. So it has made my efforts to acquire/merchant/barter on behalf of the R&D branch difficult. Thus my open "come tall to me"...
