Wonko, James


Wonko the Sane and, James the Inconceivable

I would like to speak with both of you at the upcoming gather in Hope's Reach. I will be around sometime during the day Saturday.

-Corrigan Oakhurst
Commander, Whiteoak Mercenary Company
sounds like a plan. if you have a specific time or place just let me know and i will be there

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
I will also be there. Anytime Mcgregor is serving food would be a good time to find me near the falcons roost.

he does have a good brew, though i have yet to partake in the food part yet.

-James the inconceivable of Harbors Far
Yar, i'm sorry we never got to meet. between the werewolves and the mines, i guess we were too busy, just kept missing eachother. hopefully we can meet again, i was interested in what you had to say

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
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