Checklist for first event

1. Join the chapter of the game you will be playing

2. But a Rule Book and study it so you won't miss out on the fun, mess up the rules, and/or have others get upset with you for calling Holds every few minutes to ask what something does. (Seriously, we have had that kind of thing happen too often)

3. Pay for the event so we know you are coming

4. Create a character and send it to the chapter's logistic person so when you show up, you won't have to wait in line very long and won't hold everyone up behind you. And then tell the logistics person what spells you want too so all your tags can be waiting for you

5. You can do a character history before you play, but not until you do a little research. Read the Players Guide and newsletters for your chapter so you don't make up something that isn't aacceptable

6. Find out about the site where you will be playing. Do you need to bring a tent? A matress? Anything special?

Hmmmm... those are the major things, but there are little ones too. Did that help?
Mike has given you a good list of what to do before you arrive. I would also read the "Advice for New Players" section of the Alliance website:

I believe this information is also in the Rulebook, but it's also good to read it separately.

I think there also used to be a "What To Bring To An Event" article, wasn't there? It listed stuff like a sleeping bag, bottled water, bug repellent, etc. Does anyone know where that can be found?

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
6. Find out about the site where you will be playing. Do you need to bring a tent? A matress? Anything special?

at the new HQ site do we need to bring a tent? matress anything special? :)

IvanDrake said:
I think there also used to be a "What To Bring To An Event" article, wasn't there? It listed stuff like a sleeping bag, bottled water, bug repellent, etc. Does anyone know where that can be found?

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

That's in the Ashbury Players Guide. I didn't put it in the Rule Book because not everything it says would apply to every chapter.

However, if people think I should, I could include it in the next Rule Book.
Frank Wiccan said:
6. Find out about the site where you will be playing. Do you need to bring a tent? A matress? Anything special?

at the new HQ site do we need to bring a tent? matress anything special? :)


For now, you should plan on bringing a tent and mattress and other sleeping gear. There is also a common room in the inn that sleeps about 20. NPCs are welcome to sleep in NPC camp (lots of floor space and people have even put up tents in it). Bring warm sleeping gear that doesn't require electricity.

We hope to have more facilities completed by the first event, but it's not assured yet. We'll let people know as the event gets closer and projects get done. Expect the best, plan for the worst. The sight is constantly improving and we will announce these improvements as they are complete. We will not announce them in advance in case projects are delayed. Right now, we are at the mercy of the weather :-) I guess I could announce the completion of a new bar for the tavern and one bunk bed, heh. So maybe our sleeping capacity in the common room is up to 21.

President - Faire Play, Inc.
To add to Scott's post above, yes, bring a tent if you have one. I would definitely recommend bringing an air mattress, because no matter where you sleep (tent, Common Room of the tavern, NPC area, or maybe a even cabin?) you will need an air mattress. Bring a big, warm sleeping bag and/or some warm blankets. Last year I covered myself with three heavy quilts and I was cozy even on the coldest nights.

I would also recommend bringing bottled water, snack food, several layers of clothing (in case it gets chilly at night), a medieval-looking lantern, at least one costume change (in case you get dirty which is likely), extra socks, toiletries and a towel for showering, a pillow, an extra weapon phys rep (if your character uses one), your Rulebook, and lastly..... your imagination and sense of fun!

Can anyone add to this list?

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
<<< repent? >>>


Yes, repentance is a very important thing to bring to Fairdale.

Smart *ss.... :)

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Some day Alor has GOT to remember to ask what he's supposed to be repenting...
If you tend to get cold easily, some of those handwarmer thingies are useful. Alternate warming devices include those thermacare type wraps (the non medicated kind that are just heat) either to keep in your pockets, warm up cold stiff joints, or tuck down in the bottom of your sleeping bag to warm your feet during the night. If you get REALLY cold you can even tuck them under your arms while you sleep to keep your core temp up.

Also, silly though this may sound, unless you have a mummy bag or routinely sleep with your head under the covers, a warm hat of some sort will also help keep you toasty while sleeping.
<<< Some day Alor has GOT to remember to ask what he's supposed to be repenting... >>>

If you don't know why you need to repent, then you probably don't need to repent.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
If you are going to be casting get your spellbook rep. I say this cause I forgot to get mine. Going to have to get one before my first event lol.

Yeah, from my one event down at the new site, I highly recommend bringing a tent if your NPCing. I just have this terrible memory of sleeping and then getting rained on when the sun came up. I guess 25 people create enough frost on the roof to make rain in doors. But then I was the only one stupid enough to be sleeping on the stack of plywood and not in a nice dry tent. Lesson learned.
Lugo said:
Yeah, from my one event down at the new site, I highly recommend bringing a tent if your NPCing. I just have this terrible memory of sleeping and then getting rained on when the sun came up. I guess 25 people create enough frost on the roof to make rain in doors. But then I was the only one stupid enough to be sleeping on the stack of plywood and not in a nice dry tent. Lesson learned.

The largest metal roof does indeed condensate enough, especially in the early spring and late fall, to cause "indoor rain". This shouldn't be a problem for most of the year however. It will also eventually be remedied in a more permanent manner.

bring snacks, you will get hungry in between meals. Bring soda or coffe if you drink caffine, or you may die of a massive headache. Bring your rulebook if you have one. Bring a pillow, I didnt last event, my neck hurt for a week. Extra shoes, it is spring(ish), and will likely rain, or maybe even snow depending on location. Bring a heavy coat if it is going to get really cold, and a jacket regardless(preferably a plain black hoodie if npcing) Or heavy clothes if Pcing. I personally bring 3 outfits when npcing, in case I get wet. I brought 4 pairs of socks, and still had to barrow a pair from Mike Webb last event (I hate snow). I bring a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Look into Astringent from walmart, your face will feel much better before you sleep if you can get the oily face paint feeling off. Lastly I always try bring crap to donate(not literally), look into your chapters donation list to see what they need. Who know you might have something laying around they can use.
It's also important to make sure, especially if you're into the caffeine, to drink a LOT of water. You'd be suprised how fast you can get dehydrated, even if you don't feel that hot. Screw caffeine headaches - dehydration headaches and the other not so happy physical effects caused by not drinking water are worse.
In addition to the basics, I usually bring.

a) Twice the socks necessary. This is vitally important if you're playing in moist weather. No one has ever said, "Dammit all, I brought too many dry socks".

b) Basic medicinal needs. Aspirins, any prescriptions you're on, and mosquito repellant. The last, well, I've had malaria, and hate the little blood suckers, and I just hate scratching.

On a side note, if you are on prescriptions, or have any other medical condition that may be important, WRITE IT DOWN and give the list to both the staff, and at least one other player you will be with for the most part. Something might happen to keep you from communicating properly, and it is vitally important to have the redundancy to be on the safe side.

c) Extra garbage bags! On an overnight or 3 day, when things get slow, I will often make a mini garbage sweep to pick up trash and debris that may accumulate. Just helps to make the final day easier to cleanup and makes the overall event nicer.

d) Bottles of water and juice, for hydration and blood sugar. It's amazing how often both come up.

<<< c) Extra garbage bags! >>>

That's a great item that I missed. Yes, please bring extra garbage bags!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I nearly peed myself laughing at this string of posts:
1: the luke skywalker lego icon dude who started this string I LOVE IT!
2: repent??? hehehehehehe too funny
3: if you're NPCing bring your own pouch or belt with pouch on it. I've never seen an NPC camp with an abundance of pouches for dying NPCs to keep treasure in
4: bring patience and understanding. no one sleeps for 24 hours before an event and no one sleeps during an event so sometimes people are cranky. don't take it personally. they're usually really cool after a nap
5: the socks is SO IMPORTANT
6: for NPC two pairs black sweat pants 2 long sleeved black t shirts

that's all i can think of.