Recent content by Durrigan/Marcus

  1. Durrigan/Marcus

    Silvering and strengthening items

    I will be available for these services before(silvering) and after(strengthening) dinner Saturday. Cost will only be base but tips are always welcome. Silvering=10 sp Strengthening =1 gp/charge(max 3 charges per item)
  2. Durrigan/Marcus

    Sept 2023 FAVORITES! "A Rock and a Hard Place"

    First off, I want to thank the NPC's/staff for a great event! Downtime was at a minimum, and there were creative and fun mods the whole time, like "defend the ballista" and "gather cord to complete the dome/circle" were a fun change of pace. I really enjoyed all the puzzles in the tavern too...
  3. Durrigan/Marcus

    Recycle Questions

    I assumed, thanks for confirming.
  4. Durrigan/Marcus

    Recycle Questions

    When using Recycle, can you only break down items that correspond to the skill you have? Or can say, a Smith break down scrolls. Also, do the crafting materials created need to match the items broken down, or can they be any CM the character with Recycling chooses?
  5. Durrigan/Marcus

    Empowered Armor, Armor Patches and Double Down/bonus armor points

    Thanks, just as an FYI (not sure who to report his to) it's still available in the Freeplay CMA. Also, in the CMA, Immovable Shield is not an option if you have Style Master. It shows if you only have Shield, but goes away when upgraded to SM.
  6. Durrigan/Marcus

    Indomitable Will not in CMA?

    Ty both. The version of my character in the Beta CMA has several errors I cannot seem to fix, who should I talk to about that? Or does it not matter since it is Free Play?
  7. Durrigan/Marcus

    Indomitable Will not in CMA?

    I qualify for Indomitable Will, but it is not listed as an option to take in the CMA. It is not listed under the skill tab either.
  8. Durrigan/Marcus

    August 9-11 "A Light in the Distance" Favorite Moments

    I really had a blast the entire weekend, great job by all the players and especially the staff! 1. The Honking Clams: I was almost shoulder deep and loved every minute of it. 2. Carrying the Amazingly Awesome, stinky bucket. 3. NPC shifts. Great idea whoever came up with this. Had a blast...
  9. Durrigan/Marcus

    Merchant Insight/Jack of All Trades

    Do these rituals work together? If so, do they need to be on the same item? JoaT: "The character also counts as having Healing Arts, Herbal Lore, Create Trap, and Read Magic for the purpose of Identifying production items." Merchant Insight: "The Merchant Insight Ritual allows a character, if...
  10. Durrigan/Marcus

    Multiple Focus

    Is it possible to use focus on 2 different effects, say refitting Arcane Armor and using Recharge Prowess at the same time? Or do they each require a separate 60 second count?
  11. Durrigan/Marcus

    Reaching out to a player

    I'll text him tomorrow with the info.