Recent content by Maribeth C

  1. M

    Does anyone have John Finnegan's 09/11 post?

    Thank you Mike Strauss!! And for everyone else, here it is: I wrote this to some other friends, I thought I would share it with you all. I would like to thank Steve and Jesse for putting me up after the attack for a few hours and being there for me and Colleen. I would like to thank all of my...
  2. M

    Does anyone have John Finnegan's 09/11 post?

    Shortly after the 09/11 incident, John sent me - and a whole bunch of other people - a very poignant email, describing in great detail his first-hand experiences the day the World Trade Center buildings came down. If I remember correctly, he worked at the very next subway stop, after that one...
  3. M

    John Finnegan - The Best of Us All - Rest in Peace

    My turn, on keeping it alive. I just went back, the first time in years, and was reading some bits of the Alliance webpage - my life has gone in a direction I never expected, and I haven't done any larping in YEARS. Saw a reference to John, whom I've thought of, off and on throughout the...