Recent content by Mcmeanie

  1. M

    Something To Consider

    A buddy of mine had said he wanted to use an accent like the one Brad Pitt used in the movie "Snatch" for his gypsy character. So, I was looking for other possible sources outside of the movie and came across this almost immediately. I was actually surprised to find out this was an ethnic slur...
  2. M

    Something To Consider

    On the use of the word Pikey. "There is no word more offensive to a traveller, says Cliff Codona, a Roma Gypsy and chairman of the National Travellers Action Group." "This is the language of social discrimination and it's quite shocking that this language is now being bandied about" - Tony Thorne
  3. M

    Journeyman Balcksmithing and Strengthening/Silvering.

    The Blacksmith skill, in the Advanced Use section, says a character with 10 or more levels of Blacksmith only spends 4 copper for every 5 PP of Blacksmithing. How does this affect silvering and strengthening?
  4. M

    Smithing and the Merchant Skill

    The merchant skill allows you to sell game items to logistics for it's PP value in game money. The PP value for strengthening and silvering would appear to be 1 silver per PP, based upon what is written under the Blacksmith skill. When selling silvered weapons or strengthened weapons/items to...
  5. M

    The Rules of Adventuring.

    144. If the treasure leaves your line of sight, consider it gone.
  6. M

    Pipe Foam

    The 1/2" is the inner diameter. If you read the description the wall thickness is 5/8".