Recent content by Muhktar Ghazi

  1. Muhktar Ghazi

    October event favorites!

    First, a huge thank you to the Staff and NPC's at the event. This was my first time in Gettysburg and I witnessed enough awesome to make me want to come back with a fury. Here are a few of my faves -Friends: Few people understand the freeze dried concentrated awesome of being at a Nero event...
  2. Muhktar Ghazi

    Gold, Magic items, and production to spend....

    Am looking for a Spirit link, or spirit lock SET Wand SET (reach me for more info) Alchemy (willing to buy in bulk) Varied healing and potion protectives And as the subject line suggests, depending on how much you have to sell...I am willing to trade in Gold, Production, or Magic items...
  3. Muhktar Ghazi

    Prude-Off 609!

    Sparticous wrote: AllianceNJ wrote: oh Spart--ti---couuuuuussssssssss ....... "said the sheeoree played by Harold in Drag" nuff said. Sophie wouldnt have let anyone come near her to compromise her prudishness There was nothing that anyone could have done to keep that thing away from them, and...
  4. Muhktar Ghazi

    Seeking Wizard Nathan Westwind

    Please contact me in private ( I have some business to discuss with you. Antha Lata Ahk Yrrin, Alushtas en I Amruun Arrn Gis
  5. Muhktar Ghazi

    Looking to purchase magic scrolls

    Gilwing, Seek me out in Private ( and we can discuss it in greater detail. Antha Lata Ahk Yrinn, Alushtas en I Amruun Arrn Gis
  6. Muhktar Ghazi

    April Event Favorites

    First let me thank the staff, NPC's, and everyone behind the scenes of making one of the most enjoyable events I have had in a long guys rock. Ok momentos favoritos... -Guild plot: Not only finally being a part of the great celestial plot line, its very cool modules (Yay) but...
  7. Muhktar Ghazi

    Mages' Guild of Fairdale Meeting

    I look forward to meeting with you all. A fond congratulations to the new guild master, I am most interested in hearing your ideas. I would also like to discuss the possibility of keeping some of my wares within the celestial circle for safety, for sales and for stockpiling...but we can discuss...
  8. Muhktar Ghazi

    APRIL Pre-registration list: CLOSED

    Re: APRIL Pre-registration list Please add Harold Rodriguez to pre-reg list...Alushtas shall be there. Thanks, HLR aka Alushtas aka Muhktar
  9. Muhktar Ghazi

    Feral Races...(National Event)

    Heed me… We are children of the Savage Garden… And together we will remind our enemies that they stand upon hunted lands … We are the denizens of the Everlasting Wilderness and the Hunters of its Merciless Territories… Together we will remind “The Tamed” why they tremble in the dark and hide...
  10. Muhktar Ghazi

    Trying to reach Props guy of HQ

    Please email...both IG and OOG reasons. Dont have your addie. We talked about armor. Harold Rodriguez aka Muhktar aka Alushtas aka Grandfather (soon to come)
  11. Muhktar Ghazi

    Opening shopes and taking orders for potions and scrolls

    I too will be travelling to the next gather. And though I would never detract from others wishing to make their coin and their names as merchants of our noble crafts, I would however like to offer my services as well. Any scroll, any quantity, whole batches for sale as well. Until the gather...