Recent content by Redcloud

  1. Redcloud

    Stones of the Anan'ta

    If anyone has a now de-powered Stone of the Anan'ta that the do not wish to keep. I am offering 5g for them come the spring. They will be added to a personal collection of artifacts and "souvenirs" accumulated over 2 decades plus of adventuring. -Redcloud Blooddawn
  2. Redcloud

    Resolved Ritual Failures

    This has become a source of debate. A ritual will automatically backlash if ANY of the following conditions occur after the caster states "Begin ritual casting" and before the ritual is complete.... the caster loses possession OR sight of the ritual scroll" Can you please more definitively...
  3. Redcloud

    Alliance LARP Virginia's 3rd game "A trudge through Miasma"

    Is this going to be a 2.0 event or a 2.1 playtest event?
  4. Redcloud

    Donation Drive

    The list stops at spell store? No spirit link. No store ability. Trap avoidance, vengance?
  5. Redcloud

    Selling Regeneration + Catalyst + Preserve Duration Set

    Can everything traverse the mists or are they required to be cast in a specific region?
  6. Redcloud


    Is there a map of the world available? Any notable places of interest or major cities? Maybe an Ebony Woodland? ;-)
  7. Redcloud

    AGB 2018 October Closer: Unscaled Event

    It's an unscaled event!
  8. Redcloud


    ::copied from the sages guildwall:: Did anyone from the sages guild get a copy of the etchings from the wall of the catacombs we opened saturday night? If possible, could you either leave a copy (on the sages guildwall) or send me a copy via courrier? Thanks Redcloud
  9. Redcloud


    Did anyone from the sages guild get a copy of the etchings from the wall of the catacombs we opened saturday night? If possible, could you either leave a copy here or send me a copy via courrier? Thanks Redcloud
  10. Redcloud

    Spring cleaning and early Mother's Day sales

    Its been a long winter and I've been busy doing alot of work in my workshop to fine tune my skills. As such, I have an abundance of wares to clear out. Also, Mother's day is just over a month away so get a jump on shopping with some hand made jewlery. All items are going to be on sale for 1G...
  11. Redcloud

    Unscaled season?

    Is this season unscaled like last season was?
  12. Redcloud

    The thaw approaches

    Sapharria, I hope all is well. I am sorry to hear you will no longer be able to make it to our gatherings. We have learned much from each other, I will make sure to lead the guild well and there will always be a place for you when you are able to return. Fare the well, Redcloud
  13. Redcloud

    The thaw approaches

    Now that the ground is starting to soften enough to mine again, it's time to reorganize and regroup. Who will be around in about a months time to start off the new guild year? Redcloud
  14. Redcloud

    Did ya'll do the thing?

    The thaw is getting closer, any word on what awaits us on our return to active duty?
  15. Redcloud

    Did ya'll do the thing?

    Did you guys finally stuff that big bad ooey gooey nightmare back into his lil hole.... or is he gonna be waiting for us (collectively) when we get together again? If he's still free and can hear this, I'm just asking for a few friends... hee hee... -Redcloud