Recent content by scotta

  1. S

    Ritual Scrolls for sale

    I did receive your message; I shall consider the matter. M.Z.
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    Ritual Scrolls for sale

    You're quite welcome. I'm certain you'll have no trouble at all finding buyers for so many valuable items. M.Z.
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    Ritual Scrolls for sale

    Hypothetically, would you be interested in selling these items at auction under the auspices of the Royal Arcanum? Sorcerer Morgan Zacharias
  4. S

    A mighty one passed

    Cyric Bane drinks now in the halls of his fathers. Mourn his passing, but celebrate his long and worthy life. M.Z.
  5. S

    Dreams of home..

    Your concerns are well warranted, Avalon Willowcrest. M.Z.
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    Dreams of home..

    Yes, Cyric Bane, In a manner of speaking, The Absence is where the Veiled forest was, but more accurately, where the forest WAS has gone as well as the forest itself. Imagine a road a hundred miles long stretching from one side of the forest to the other; that road is gone, but so is the hundred...
  7. S

    Dreams of home..

    I believe we will find the Mists' connection to Caldaria is quite stable. I expect, however, that the point of connection will have shifted significantly as a result of The Absence. If we emerge in greater proximity to The Absence, we will,of course, encounter whatever phenomena are resulting...
  8. S

    Favorites From the Sept Event

    Being able to be there, because my wife Heather helped me get ready, and my friend Ziggy drove. Favorite character death ever! Being asked if I was willing to go into the scales. Great rp/deep conversations with MANY people, IG and OOG. Discussing Dissonance and Void with Quince. Being...
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    To Our Alliance Crossroads Family

    Crossroads has meant so much to me; it re-introduced me to the game, reminded me how cool it could be. Beyond that, you were all there for my family and I through a very difficult time. Am I sad to see you go, ? certainly. But I had a blast, and I'm already feeling how cool it's gonna be when...
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    A dream of Gypsie Rowe

    You find yourself walking along Gypsy Rowe early one evening. The colored flags hang listless in the autumn air, and in place of the usual boisterous song, pipes, and drums, somewhere out of sight, somebody plays a mournful melody on a simple flute. As you look, you realize the Rowe is not...
  11. S

    Knock Knock... Who's there?

    He bends his will toward directing them to self destruction because he knows the danger he is in if we are able to rejoin them. Teovel.
  12. S

    Knock Knock... Who's there?

    Ona, What did Spirin show you about them and why they need to be put to rest? Certainly they must all be destroyed, but as you say, They are ALL Dissonance.I no believe there were ever aspects of dissonance that were good. But freed from the totality, some are being "corrupted." While others...
  13. S

    Knock Knock... Who's there?

    Whole, he was pure, inviolate. Shattered, his armor is breached. The fragments must be shown life, allowed to know everything which is not-void. Thus will corruption be corrupted; void given substance. How to destroy emptyness? Fill it. When the "corrupted" fragments are re-joined, Dissonance...
  14. S

    June Favorites

    Just challenging myself to play. But specifically, interactions with the various "aspects." "focusing" with Prolon, And especially two very brief conversations, one in which I said something unplanned, but which I do not regret. The other in which I relaxed about something that's troubled Teo...
  15. S

    The circle must be broken...

    From within the mist, the sharp sound of swords being drawn, then a heavily accented male voice calls out: LIBERTATE!!!