Talon's chance encounter...

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As Talon and Stig enter the Enclave, Stig's attention is caught up by some of the sights, as the Enclave is busy today. With the fighting in the streets between the Bandit King's men and the Sect, innocents are getting caught up in these skirmishes, so the Enclave and Sanctum are busy keeping the peace and people of the city safe.

As Talon and Stig walk through the entrance, a young elf bumps into Talon, "Oh excuse me sorry 'bout that." the child says, and runs off.

As They continue, Talon realizes that something feels off, he instinctively reaches for his coin pouch. He feels a sense of relief when he realizes it's still there. But for some readon it's fuller. He reaches in and pull out a note.

(PM will contain contents of note)
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