Tea for Charity


Greetings goodfolk far and wide!

The tarot has augured fair weather for this upcoming market and we of Whitehaven thought it a wonderful opportunity for something of a fundraiser! As some may know, we are raising money through adventuring, mercantilism, and negotiations to fund the construction of civil infrastructure as well as storefronts and houses for entrepreneurs seeking to settle in our dear home. For this fundraiser, we will be hosting _Arbatka_ - a semiformal tea time - after breakfast outside of the doors of Merchant's Row. To partake in this tea, you need only make a humble donation of eight silver but as this is a charitable event, additional donations are welcome!

If interested in bringing food/drink or joining the arbatka, feel free to write me a letter or send a message through the dreaming.

Wondrous almstide to all,
Atradimas of Whitehaven
Is this Merchants Row something that anyone who is selling goods should be a part of?

-Cambridge Rouke
This one highly recommends it though one does not know if it is strictly mandatory!

Speak with Mother Adlao, it is my understanding that she is the matroness of the tavern writ large and certainly the guiding hand to the mercantilism of we adventurers.

- Atradimas
Can Quex bring snack and not coin? Can Quex bring snake? Snake won't bite. Snake nice. Is this just elf thing? Quex think, Quex may need learn elf ways.

Trees, grass, stone and stars don't talk much.

Can Quex bring snack and not coin? Can Quex bring snake? Snake won't bite. Snake nice. Is this just elf thing? Quex think, Quex may need learn elf ways.

Trees, grass, stone and stars don't talk much.

We will gladly welcome snacks.

As long as the snake doesn't bite, they too are welcome!

It is not just for elves, it is for anyone wishing to help us in our quest to help the people of Whitehaven! That said, it never hurts to learn the elvish ways; we are quite the fun people!
- Atradimas
Thank you for the advice. I know it's a bit early drinkin' for some, but I have a small cask of a delightful IPA that I could donate for the cause.

There's always time for a flagon.

- Atradimas