Blight Removal Breakthrough


Chicago Staff
Hear me Unbounded,
Together we have made our first true triumph over the Blight. With your help in collecting the Blight Sponges and subsequent planning session on their ultimate destruction, we have developed a way to remove Blight in a very efficient manner. Know this, the light box was a success. Although not at peak efficiency, it can be used to permanently destroy the filled sponges.
These sponges are easy to make, cheap to mass produce, and cover a much wider area than any technological wonder we have previously created. As long as we see no creep of the Blight back into the cleared area, it is safe to assume that we have created something that will solve our Blight problem. I do not think I need to stress the importance of this development more.
Obviously there are some draw backs to their use. The more we activate, the stronger Blight creatures seem to be drawn in, and of course they must be defended from these creatures. This will slow down the process of total Blight removal, but it is now possible.

If we can get the rest of the Grimere Expanse using this technology, we can beat this force once and for all.

In the face of oblivion, Fact endures,

~Master Mistweaver Raido
Master Mistweaver Raido,

It brings joy to my heart that our brain storming session and my knowledge of parabolic reflectors and mirrors were useful. Hopefully we can expand this technique and clear future Blight from the continent.

Baroness FallingStar