Vail stepped out of the Broken Bard, shivering at the cold winter air. The winters had always been hard in the Foriston, but this year... it seemed bitterly cold. The wind bit at his face and he brought his cloak close to his body, making him hiss in pain. The mountain roads were so hard to traverse and only the hardiest of adventurers, merchants, or the army was willing to make the attempt. Luckily, the spirits and hearty drinks were always sought after to warm the core of weary travler.
Vail waved at the garrison troops as they shuffled past him and into the tavern proper. He couldn't imagine the troops being stationed here during the winter could ever be warm in their armor... Looking after the Wardstone up the road and patrolling the area near the Arch was a taxing, but necessary, duty. As the wind began to pick up, Vail prepares to head inside and get the beef stew ready for the soldiers and townsfolk. As he turns, he cant help but look out toward the distant lines of Atlans Wall, and then the treeline near the trade road. Someone, or something, is watching him. He knows the feeling and he doesnt like it one bit. Backing up carefully, Vail bumps into the hanging rock in front of the Broken Bard and lets out a yelp. "Whaa!"
The howl of the wind hides his startled shriek and he looks around embarrassingly. Before looking back out toward the road, Vail could have sworn he saw movement near to the pond. As he squinted his eyes in the growing blizzard, something moved away and into the storm. The feeling of being watched went away then,
as fast as it came.
"Must have been the wind. Yep, just the wind..." He mumbled as he went inside, focusing on the music of the Evermore before walking inside. The shadowed personage moves around the building, having only been feet from the tavern keep...
Vail waved at the garrison troops as they shuffled past him and into the tavern proper. He couldn't imagine the troops being stationed here during the winter could ever be warm in their armor... Looking after the Wardstone up the road and patrolling the area near the Arch was a taxing, but necessary, duty. As the wind began to pick up, Vail prepares to head inside and get the beef stew ready for the soldiers and townsfolk. As he turns, he cant help but look out toward the distant lines of Atlans Wall, and then the treeline near the trade road. Someone, or something, is watching him. He knows the feeling and he doesnt like it one bit. Backing up carefully, Vail bumps into the hanging rock in front of the Broken Bard and lets out a yelp. "Whaa!"
The howl of the wind hides his startled shriek and he looks around embarrassingly. Before looking back out toward the road, Vail could have sworn he saw movement near to the pond. As he squinted his eyes in the growing blizzard, something moved away and into the storm. The feeling of being watched went away then,
as fast as it came.
"Must have been the wind. Yep, just the wind..." He mumbled as he went inside, focusing on the music of the Evermore before walking inside. The shadowed personage moves around the building, having only been feet from the tavern keep...