In Between Game Actions for Strava

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Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff

In Between Game Actions and You!​

Regular Season Weekends and Faire Days​

If you have attended the most recent event as a player character, you may take no more than one Action during your IBGA. This action applies to the character you registered in the event.

Long Break IBGAs​

Traditionally in Winter, though watch this space regarding multi-month breaks: you may complete one action at a time as IBGAs are offered if you have played in the current/most recent season.

What classifies as an Action:​

  • Performing reconnaissance on a location or monitoring the movements of a person/group
  • Seeking out and interacting with Non-Player Characters (specific or general)
  • Settlement improvement and construction tasks (this may require Goblin Stamp expenditures)
  • Exploring the lands
  • Research and information-gathering tasks
  • Training in your skills and professions (if you want a story associated)
  • Practice your character's crafts and professions
  • Solicit and organize hirelings for a task
  • Procure goods and services (this may require coin turn-in or Goblin Stamp transactions as per Alliance Gettysburg Goblin Stamp Policy and the Alliance Rulebook)
This list is not exhaustive, but meant to give an example.

What you cannot do as an Action:​

There are some things which must happen on stage. After all, we're a live action role-playing game, and you wouldn't want folks to miss out on your fantastic adventures. This list also includes considerations for resource and skill interactions that cannot be carried out between games per Alliance LARP rules or game balancing.
  • Engage in specific combat
    • General "I want to defend the settlement" type submissions are acceptable because of their flexibility
  • Interact with another one of your own characters
  • Interact with another player character without their explicit buy-in
  • Gain direct material advantages that are not listed in the AGB Goblin Stamp Policy or Alliance LARP Rulebook
    • This mainly pertains to things like Goblin Stamp expenditures
  • Actions that would take longer than the time between games

Tips and Keys to IBGA Success:​

  • Ask questions! - If you are unsure if an action is valid, please reach out to check its viability
  • Remember the time scale - If you want to build Rome, you can't do it in a day
  • Be explicit and clear- Include details about how you want to complete the task
    • Who - Who do you want to find, talk to, work with, or be sneaky around
    • What - What are you trying to do?
    • Where - Where do you intend to go?
    • When - At night, during the day, immediately, after some preparation?
    • How - How will you attempt to accomplish your task?
      • Will you use your own skills or seek a hireling?
      • What resources do you have available that will ease your task?
  • Declare intent, not outcome - Tell us what you want to do, we'll give you a cool story about it

Group Actions​

For group actions, they do not have to be precisely identical, but they do need to include all of your group members and what they are intending to do.

All group members must be included for a group action, and all group members must submit the group IBGA or their participation will be removed from the write-up. This allows Plot to establish and verify that all group members are fully aware of what their character is being signed up for. If not all group members submit, a 48 hour period will be given for remedy after submission deadline closes. Remedy may include the group editing the character out of the group write-up.

I'm Ready! Where do I submit?​

If you have questions please submit them to either Jack on the AGB discord or with the name of your character and your player name as listed in the CMA.

If you are ready to rock and roll please submit your IBGA using the most recent Airtable form as cross-posted on Facebook, the Alliance Forums, and Discord.

Strava Season One Winter IBGA

You can do anything you would like to within the guidelines above, but there are also some potential plotlines to get in on that do not require a group action for multiple people to work on and potentially influence the collective outcome:

  • Doslidnyky Teleportation Research
  • Flora & Fauna Investigation
  • Unscattering the Mind of King Bystreva
  • Looking Into the Mysterious Howling
  • Rebuilding the Residential Area
  • Scouting Through the Sea Gate
These are meant to be somewhat open-ended, but if you need more information please PM this account or reach out on Discord!
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