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  1. K

    A word to the Sheriff and Deputies

    Millie, I know you have a good heart but I don’t think you realize the full consequences of what you are saying. You are not alone, in fact I have heard this same argument made by many adventurers, even from Raif. But I too was a slave and I say that things are not that simple. Any man who...
  2. K

    Meanie Meanie Tall Guy!!!

    I disagree Cazik. The Goblins are not likely to let this rest. Unless you do what is right I predict that this is far from over. -Kyrie
  3. K

    A word to the Sheriff and Deputies

    Yes, I escaped from that very same caravan. In fact the men were in Briarpass tasked with my retrieval having tracked & chased me all the way from Tinpany. They were not slaveowners or taskmasters themselves, merely men in the employ of a slaveowner who was endeavoring to keep his property...
  4. K

    Meanie Meanie Tall Guy!!!

    Deputy Garmock, I regret to say that there is another flaw in your argument regarding the sanctity of duels - you yourself interfered. It was you who stepped in to slay the Goblin King thus facilitating the farce of an ending to the duel. Yes, Dramthin was struck down by the Goblin for his own...
  5. K


    We have lost a great and noble elf with the final passing of our High Regent. Horatio had a grand vision for the future of Wayside fueled by a belief in the goodness of all people. He sacrificed much for us all. I lament at his loss, but rejoice for the future he inspired by his dedication...
  6. K

    Kyrie's Return

    Some of you may remember that when I left Briarpass years ago I did not do so on the best of terms. While there were those of you like Mariel & Lydia who were kind to me from the beginning, and like Millie who was willing to risk her own life to rescue me, many adventurers in Briarpass were...