Search results

  1. Willem Rivet

    Ride to June LARP

    Rachel, I have a full car, a long drive and am coming from the other direction. Wish I could help! Someone get on this! -JT
  2. Willem Rivet

    searching for gas traps

    Pyke, it's not really cool to buy the traps below their worth to solve a problem you were tasked to do as punishment for your crimes. Especially when you bill it as a "service to Dragonreach". You are a rich adventurer and you know it. Sack up and humble yourself. This is a chance for...
  3. Willem Rivet

    Spiritforge result: Kept my crafting AND swing 13s. Bring it, NPCs.

    Spiritforge result: Kept my crafting AND swing 13s. Bring it, NPCs.
  4. Willem Rivet

    Cheap Paranoia Gases for fighting Myconids

    Honestly, if I were to sell it, it would go to the same people, so I'll bow out of purchasing it. -Joseph
  5. Willem Rivet


    So I was reading the blog and saw an article on lockboxes. Would anyone be interested if I made a few and sold them in character? Does everyone have all the boxes they need?
  6. Willem Rivet

    Introducing, original LARP content!

    I really enjoyed the article on lockboxes.
  7. Willem Rivet

    Distributing Elemental Blades and Earth Blades

    I am interested in these items. Let's talk about bulk pricing. -Joseph Smith
  8. Willem Rivet

    Cheap Paranoia Gases for fighting Myconids

    Paranoia Gasses would be 2 Silver at double Production. I'll buy the lot if you sell them at 2 Silver. -Joseph Smith
  9. Willem Rivet

    The Dragon Hoard services and specialties

    I can satisfy that trade. My price would be double Production, or 2 silver per quiver. As there are many who seem to desire arrows in Dragonreach, I shall set yours aside so they aren't inadvertently sold. -Joseph Smith
  10. Willem Rivet

    pin scrolls

    I'll have to check which are Emric's, but I have 9 Pin Scrolls. Standard 2x Production. -Joseph Smith
  11. Willem Rivet

    Selling useful Magical Items and Components

    Lord Asher, Despite the lack of activity here in the dreaming, I would suggest that Ilana hold the auction in person for maximum impact. Your starting prices are more than reasonable. I'm holding back from bidding for the sake of the newer adventurers. -Joseph Smith
  12. Willem Rivet

    Selling useful Magical Items and Components

    To clarify, will there be bidding AT the market, or must we contact you beforehand? -Joseph Smith
  13. Willem Rivet

    Give me your coins!

    Actually, it was more of a way to raise silver for silvering weapons and projectiles as well as copper for making change and helping newer adventurers purchase stuff. While it might put us at odds, I think the town is big enough for the both of us. As I obtain enough silver I'll approach you to...
  14. Willem Rivet

    Give me your coins!

    Hello adventurers. From here on out, The Dragon Hoard will be giving you an extra Silver when you pay an amount completely in Silver and an extra 5 copper when you pay an amount completely in copper. These don't result in coins handed to you, but rather in value on trades or purchases. I will...
  15. Willem Rivet

    Looking for input on a new Law

    Heya. I'm not the law here, or able to influence the law. I am, however, hoping to stop the confrontation we had last gathering from happening in the future, and I think we can try the angle of a new Law. This discourse is just to gather ideas so I can bring them before someone who legally...
  16. Willem Rivet

    Executing the Necromancer Bacon

    Opportunity missed. Should have gone by "Steak." -Joseph
  17. Willem Rivet

    Ways to MAKE gold with the Dragons Hoard

    Nah, Dragonreach prefers Dragon Poker. By the way, we still introduce that rule as the "J'rajj Special." Ah, happy memories of crippling debt. -Joseph
  18. Willem Rivet

    Looking for a Ritualist to create some items...

    The idea is to cast a few Preserves with a motley of magical effects. Honestly going to depend a lot on what people might use. Guess I'll poll the adventurers on it. I know I'm going to want a healing item to help keep people up and loan to newer adventurers. Other than that, it's rental stuff...
  19. Willem Rivet

    The Dragon Hoard rents magic items!

    The Dragon Hoard is looking to rent out magic items to adventurers in Dragonreach. Each item will be available for a different amount and is rented for one entire Market. If you find yourself attached to the item and wish to purchase it, however much you've spent to rent that item is subtracted...
  20. Willem Rivet

    Looking for a Ritualist to create some items...

    Hello all! The Dragon Hoard is looking for a ritualist to cast a few rituals empowering items. I'm not familiar enough with your current ritualists to ask directly, but I AM paying. Who is up to the task? -Joseph