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  1. Gandian Ravenscroft

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    That verbiage has always been in the rulebook (page 35 of the 1.3 rulebook, for reference).
  2. Gandian Ravenscroft

    A Mission to the In-Between

    Adventurers, I have met some of you before, some of you have maybe seen me in passing as I come to eat and chat, and many likely have not met or seen me at all. I am Fabian Dar, a man of peace, and I make no secret that I am a wielder of Spirit Magics. I am sure you have become aware that...
  3. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Gifts from the Ambassadors

    It should be noted that my knowledge of an Obelisk of Ancient Stone is of its powers in the past - it is possible that such a catalyst may correspond to something different from Proscribe within these lands. ~ Gandian
  4. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Town Box Update

    Excellent to hear that the funding projection went swimmingly, and excellent to hear you were Squired, Zihr! I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table as a Squire. A comment on your box policy: Is it reasonable to assume that funds from the Town Box could be appropriately granted to...
  5. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    I was the one who gave Gerty the box of auction items, my 15 gold were included in that box, and I already grabbed my scrolls. So I am covered. ~ Gandian
  6. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    Since both my brother and I unfortunately won't be in attendance, please give the shares for Kit and myself to Edwina (for her to use/spend as she wants - she doesn't need to get it back to us later). If by some unforeseen happenstance Edwina isn't there, either, please give our shares to...
  7. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Looking for a Construct Scroll

    Rusty, I am in possession of a Construct scroll native to Wayside, though it is not mine - I was given it by the Company to cast at the end of last year, and then we never got around to it before the end of the gathering. That said, I know the Company owns a Construct scroll, and should you...
  8. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Laws of the Land

    The Coalition is not separate from the nobles and commoners - they are one and the same, and thus have every reason to protect themselves and/or each other. Those in aligned Erabella that have not formally aligned with the Coalition (excluding the Loyalists) are only so because they haven't...
  9. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Laws of the Land

    Your words are getting close to "If there is no King, I am bound by no laws and may do as I wish," Dramthin, which is misguided at best and dangerous at worst. The three heads of the Freedom Coalition maintain the law as presented. Let that suffice for you, and know that you will be adequately...
  10. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Laws of the Land

    Dramthin, There is still a population of nobles and magistrates that maintain law in Erabella, even without a monarch in place. In short, respect and follow the laws. They are very reasonable. ~ Gandian
  11. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Laws of the Land

    True indeed - Eberrus, as I believe his actual name is, will get what's coming to him. ~ Gandian
  12. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Research opportunities

    My last few weeks of research into the armor that we discovered in Fort Mirkworth have proven fruitful! Some of you may recall that when identified, the armor did not have any magical properties, but the way that the siege constructs were intent on its recovery for the Loyalists, I was certain...
  13. Gandian Ravenscroft

    No Effect for purposes of Powerful Meditation

    Meaning no disrespect, may I ask why this is being added?
  14. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Components from the May gathering

    Let me be clear: I am an auctioneer - I don't do the actual loot splitting portion. I swore off that nonsense years ago, and I'm never going back. ~ Gandian
  15. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Components from the May gathering

    I like simplicity, but I also like profit, and 19 components to the town box seems excessive. ~ Gandian
  16. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    12 gold for the Sorcerous Triage ~ Gandian
  17. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    10 gold for Sorcerous Triage ~ Gandian Ravenscroft
  18. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    5 Gold for Poison Trigger 3 gold for Trap Avoidance 4 gold for Item #2 ~ Gandian Ravenscroft
  19. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Can one choose not to refit Arcane Armor and wear physical armor?

    You can freely change between using physical or arcane armor as much as you want, as long as you appropriately refit at the beginning of the change.
  20. Gandian Ravenscroft

    May Favorites

    Oh man, I am still so sore, but I had an incredible time this event! Nothing makes me happier than seeing players enjoy my plot style, and I think folks really liked what I had to offer this game. A couple of my favorites, in no particular order: - Mazu Mawl fight! Quite apart from getting to...