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  1. Vryan


    I don't want to be bald. My hair is terrific. Although I did say "Make it so" to someone this weekend.
  2. Vryan


    Not circumventing. Changing the conditions of the test. I don't like to lose, nor do I believe in no-win scenarios.
  3. Vryan


    I'll just hold my sword in the air above my head when the Obliterate is thrown and then spell parry it.
  4. Vryan

    Lord Vryan, Knight of Eire

    Thank you, Ria Sevaria, for your kind words. For those interested, Vryan is my full name. Should you refer to me by title, I request that you use it. However, among friendly company, I am still Vry to you all. ~ Lord Vryan
  5. Vryan


    Does using a Dodge count as moving?
  6. Vryan


    With the essences of Puriel and Void driven from this world, and with the Withering temporarily banished, a new dawn shall be wrought from the ashes of destruction. Ria Sevaria is right. The Deadlands are over. As are our old ways. Henceforth, there shall be no more easy decisions. We must...
  7. Vryan

    November Event PC Shifts

    Add me to to the group as needed list, as well.
  8. Vryan

    October Pre-Registration List

    And I will assist Samara in rezzing every last one of you. Including myself.
  9. Vryan

    Thelucian Auction Q&A

    Can I attend as Baron Kearns and outbid Joe on everything?
  10. Vryan

    July NPCs

    Never mind, I'm out.
  11. Vryan

    July NPCs

    Joe, bring an extra pair if you've got one. I will totally fight you.
  12. Vryan

    Teacher Card for Eviscerate

    Did you teach him Eviscerate by Eviscerating him?
  13. Vryan

    Paragon Packages Update

    Gotcha. Being not a ritualist, I wasn't aware there was a difference between Formal Magic and High Magic. Thank you, Evan.
  14. Vryan

    Paragon Packages Update

    My gut is telling me yes, but I'd just like to clarify. If a character has the six high magic points given from the Elf tier 3 package, but otherwise do not have any ranks, can they assist in casting rituals?
  15. Vryan

    A Good Death

    I agree with this. Honestly, I think the only instance where I'd take the option of perming on the spot and half-building is if I ten-percented with no deaths bought back and I felt comfortable with the death. Otherwise, I don't see it being worth getting half my build with a significant...