Search results

  1. Vryan

    Paragon Packages - Paths of the Paragons

    1) Do Assassinates and Terminates count as PTD skills for the purposes of the Fighter's Overwhelming Force boon? Ergo, can I Massive Terminate a dude? 2) At this time, can cross classes purchase two paths (or three if you're a duel school Templar/Adept), while straight classes are only limited...
  2. Vryan

    How many PCs have you had in your alliance career?

    Only one. Barbarian-turned-Elf Scout, been playing him from 15 build since early 2008. Maybe someday I'll play another character.
  3. Vryan

    July event registration

    Paid, prelogistics will be sent tonight.
  4. Vryan

    June event pre-registration: CLOSED

    Albert Lamonda to PC Vryan. I will pre-reg and pay tomorrow.
  5. Vryan


    I will have no more of this. If you wish to taunt enemies of the kingdom of Eire, do so away from my tavern wall. ~ First Knight Vryan
  6. Vryan

    Seeking Components

    To those still listening, I have had an offer that fulfills my need for both Penna and Pytotis, but I am still in need of many Truesilver. If you've any you're willing to sell, please contact me. Thank you, ~ First Knight Vryan
  7. Vryan

    Seeking Components

    Honorable Cho Ko Nu, From where I hail and the other lands I frequent, we typically value components at one gold per year of their vigor, and I'd be willing to pay that. If other lands value them differently, I am open to barter. Should coin not be of interest you, I can also offer armaments...
  8. Vryan

    Seeking Components

    Good friends of Fortannis, I find myself in need of ritual components, specifically Penna, Pyrotis, and Truesilver. I need many of any combination of the three, and I will pay very generously for them. Their freshness doesn't matter much to me, as long as they will last at least until autumn...
  9. Vryan

    Orctober Event Pre-Registration

    Did you get my dollars? I threw them at your paypal early last week, and it still says I owe you monies.
  10. Vryan

    August Event Favs

    - DRAGONS AND STUFF, THE EVENT pt. II. I always love this kind of plot, and it was handled flawlessly! - Intense one-on-one roleplay with Thauphideon, and the resulting weight I recognized in every single thing he said thereafter. Also, making probably the most important and potentially...
  11. Vryan

    National Race Packets

    Micro-animals are simply microscopic species that fall into the kingdom Animalia, like dust mites or tardigrades. Although I can't find in the rulebook where it explicitly states that a kin must be based on a species from the kingdom Animalia, it makes a number of references to "animal-like...
  12. Vryan

    National Race Packets

    What about micro-animals?
  13. Vryan

    In need of a short bow!

    Let me know if you don't have any luck, and I will try making one.
  14. Vryan

    June Event Pre-Registration List

    I will smack a lich if we don't get enough NPC's for Samara to PC...
  15. Vryan

    Opener Favorites

    - New players! You guys absolutely rocked. New players are what keeps the game fresh and entertaining, and it was great to see you guys have such enthusiasm to play and learn! - Along the same lines, the crunchy undead that kept coming out to give our new PC rockstars some practice. NPC's...
  16. Vryan

    We Are One

    To the ends of Fortannis, my brothers and sisters, I shall stand with you. Let any who hear this know that we all stand together, united, looking toward better horizons; a beacon of hope for those who've lost theirs. Our combined light shall guide the way. ~ Lord Vryan, Knight of the Harvest
  17. Vryan

    Ritual Cap for Alliance Deadlands

    Is there going to be an in-game explanation for why there's a ritual cap?
  18. Vryan

    Funeral for Paladin Victarion Crowe

    Friends, For all those who wish to attend, there will be a funeral for Paladin Crowe in Authenrai. Should anyone wish to attend, contact me privately and I will give you directions to the burial site. ~ Lord Vryan
  19. Vryan


    Note to self: get a tiara.