Search results

  1. Kix

    Seeking Spell Book Ink...

    Faux, I would be glad to offer you my book for copying anything you might need out of as well, or in the event you ever would like to memorize spells from it. What I have is to be shared with everyone it can be. ~Puck
  2. Kix

    Decisions, decisions....

    Don't take away my game! I'll kill you :)
  3. Kix

    December Event Feedback/Best Moments

    I had an astounding time!! It was super cool getting to meet all kinds of people from a new place! All the falling asleep in the tavern over the weekend was super restful. I felt like I was a bit too powerful for the most part, so I was trying to keep things fun for everyone and focus on...
  4. Kix

    Probably dancing in the rain.

    Probably dancing in the rain.
  5. Kix

    Howling Woods and Thousand Bones

    *A feral fox made entirely of shimmering and ever moving water appears, lying on his back and looking at the others upside down* Hello there friends, why do you confine yourself to your mortal forms here, this is truly a place to be freeing to experience all things. I am Puck, in this place...
  6. Kix

    Location, Location (site survey II)

    Honestly the scenery at sky high and the overall feeling of it actually being a town set it apart for me. Also it helps that the roads are in very good condition. I just dislike the plumbing situation, if there were more actual toilets it would hands down be the best site for larping in my opinion.
  7. Kix

    Scripts and Prose

    Brother, I hope that your falcon is prepared to fly the distance between Malidor's outpost and New Acarthia. If not, I could easily visit for a moment by taking either the mists or mirror. Feel free to reach out to me privately to let me know which you'd prefer. ~Puck
  8. Kix

    Scripts and Prose

    I'd be glad to help with any translations and deciphering as well, though to be honest I'm mainly interested in the knowledge of them, not of anyone's claims to the land. Faux if you'd be so kind as to send me a copy when you can, I'd be glad to get started straight away. ~Puck
  9. Kix

    Bones needs advice...

    Bones, Sometimes it is nice to take a break from the daily routine of things and go have fun. Surely you've caught a glint of the stars at some point and looked up to see how pretty the sky can be. Try to enjoy yourself and win some of the competitions! You definitely seem the sort to enjoy a...
  10. Kix

    Earth Mentor Wanted

    Hello Copper, I'd be glad to educate you in any types of earth that you may need mentoring in. Please never offer to pay for your education. The magics of the land should be shared freely and to any who wish to learn them. Speak with me at the next gather and I'll see that you're educated and...
  11. Kix

    Looking for information

    The moth I met somewhat recently is much larger than a fist. She's large enough that she even has her own fists! I wouldn't really call her my moth though, it's not okay to claim that you own someone else. What is a Fomri? it sounds like the tasty froth you get when you make a warm chocolate...
  12. Kix

    Looking for information

    Hey Lagarde, Due to recent developments, I have reason to believe that there are a few individuals that may be interested and related to this symbol. Perhaps you should further investigate: Theo "hair brained" Millage, and Killian "BouncyStaff" Hargrave. They may be some how related to the...
  13. Kix

    How To Work a Plotline

    I feel like this is great advice for everyone locally, as well as out of chapter! A lot of the time when starting out in a game it is hard to find your niche in what you want to do. These tips are REALLY good for getting you going, or progressing when you feel stuck! Thank you Trace!!
  14. Kix

    Adventurers Needed to Fight Serpentmen in Riverside

    Birgitta, Would you please tell me more about the River Lady, I spend a great deal of my time in the rivers, and would like to know if I have seen her, or heard of her from any of my friends. I'll be sure to take a trip by there as soon as I'm able to help look around for your missing friends...
  15. Kix

    Aurora/Centennial Practice Groups?

    I'm somewhat in the area, I'd be glad to meet and practice, we don't have anything regular planned
  16. Kix

    Let's go play in the streams?

    Let's go play in the streams?
  17. Kix

    If you could have ANY Formal scroll...

    -Nikolai In Acarthia, we are preparing to cast one to form the first napping guild in Fortannis. This was a quest I outlined to begin forming the guild. Fortunately at the recent gathering of the Empress's calling, we managed to acquire one that was mist touched. If you ever make it here...
  18. Kix

    October Poll

    I worry about cramming the number of people that go to the masquerade typically into the castle. We were very near capacity last time with a fraction of that number of people. That said, I definitely am up for going out and camping or using tabins for a weekend. We have enough players with...
  19. Kix

    June 17 favored moments!

    I had a TON of great moments, too many to list off, but I'll try to hit some! Ferris clearing traps, and hitting the berserk trap on the Scion cabin.. Feeding the Thunder Lizards pepperoni and having my hand nipped at by them. They were so cute, I definitely hope I get to see them around a...
  20. Kix

    Alliance in the Fall

    Bummer to hear about the site, but let's definitely get a game going still!!! Also, I'd like to point out that we DEFINITELY need to do an October game, a year without a ball would be such a tragedy! It's by far one of our most popular games, and we have a bunch of people who want to fly in...