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  1. Bigens73

    Proclamation of the Adventurers

    Zen, I hears what you is saying but I don't think it speaks fors us all. I aggrees wit my fellow Squire we cannot as adventurers make such an offer as dat no harm will come to dem. We can say as adventurers we will not harm dems but we needs justice for Sir Daniels and the Duke. It is not are...
  2. Bigens73

    August research

    I do t really know how the magics work so well but is it possible Eberrus has a bottle somewhere and that is why he couldn’t be killing blowed. Or would he not have rezed if he had a spirit bottle. Then also if he does have a bottled spirit what would happen if I banished his spirit bottle to...
  3. Bigens73

    Call For Help

    I understand Zihr. He was my Knight this is a burden I feel I need to shoulder to properly close this chapter and move on to what comes next.
  4. Bigens73

    Call For Help

    I'm not sure Cass but agreed I think his sword would be perfect. I will send you a missive and we can figure that out I would love to have the help of your master blacksmithing.
  5. Bigens73

    Call For Help

    Hello Adventurers, I would like to ask for some of your help. I am planning on trying to get a statue of Sir Daniels set up in the Capital as a memorial and a reminder that we all need to be ready to give the ultimate sacrafice. Sir Daniels willingly stepped into that circle knowing that this...
  6. Bigens73

    August research

    I know I would love to help deal with Eberrus when the time comes. As for what I will be doing in between market days is I will be trying to gather materials and labor to put up a statue of Sir Daniels. I would love help from anyone who feels so moved. This man was a great Knight and gave the...
  7. Bigens73

    July Favorites

    So many favs. Some great opportunity for RP. And great plot points. Some odd the faves just going through everything. The first half of the fight to get to the Earl's compound. The second half was still fun but man was I exhausted. I loved seeing the magic users charm them to fight for us...
  8. Bigens73


    I should be pre reged.
  9. Bigens73

    July Research Opportunities

    Squire Zihr is correct I am going to the Western Territories is the plan. Also checking in with Sir Daniels as well. Squire Bruisey Foemangler
  10. Bigens73

    Donation Thread

    Not sure if anyone is up near Forest lake or not but saw these on Craigslist for free.
  11. Bigens73

    June Favorites.

    I know it is quick but figured I'd go ahead and start it. What a great event. I know the rain put a damper on it a little but thank you plot for adapting. Loved Aegis and that whole affect group. I know I still fell under it but don't view myself as a young adventurer anymore. I remember...
  12. Bigens73

    In need of armor

    I'm thinking the 45 should be enough. (Oog I have a gambason and plastic barell plate mail. plate goes almost to my knees. (27) I have a chain mail coif and a big fur bear head.(+8 for 35) (i or is head and neck seperate then it would be 43) Metal and fur bracers. (39/47) And in genre. So...
  13. Bigens73

    CMA is Active

    I do not believe it had the event I went to in Chicago on here and the long weekend I blanketed I should per our email be at 89xp. Bruisey Foemangler only character I have on the card. Thanks guys.
  14. Bigens73

    In need of armor

    Sounds good
  15. Bigens73

    In need of armor

    What is your pricing?
  16. Bigens73

    In need of armor

    I will finally be finding my way to these new lands and have found some new armor. I am not sure what it will be rated at but will need a tag for it when I find out I am guessing it will be in the 40 to 50 range. Bruisey
  17. Bigens73

    Additional blades for the June gather

    Iggy we must hunt while you are here...I will bring my cleaver and we can have great fresh meat. Bruisey Foemangler
  18. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    5 gold on ritual of woe Bruisey
  19. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    3 gold on ritual of Woe Bruisey
  20. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    9 gold on item #6 Bruisey