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  1. R

    Spooookkky Death breakup infograph

    Finally, I'm above average in something! (Human adept with 3 deaths... 2 of which came pretty recently. Oops)
  2. R

    Event Review: You're Cordially Invited

    1. -Getting whisked away into the Aether while everyone watched. -Being promoted to War Mage and getting to be invested in the circle. -Helping out the newbie adventurers and others with their ritual reagents -Capturing the rodenzi on Friday night, paralyzing them and then talking at them for...
  3. R

    NPC Vote: You're Cordially Invited

    Abe was fantastic! Glad to have him out again. He was great as crunchies and fantastic as the angry Rodenzi daddy. Robyn was also fantastic with each of my interactions with her as Opiathus and Gabrielle. Also props to Cory (DAM, Beholder), Katie (Queen Ava) and Jeff (the Rodenzi who I...
  4. R

    Class and School Breakup September '19

    Just gonna say, United Blow? My favorite skill in the game.
  5. R

    Class and School Breakup September '19

    A dip for United Blow? That's an expensive 72xp dip!
  6. R

    Why don't you NPC?

    I feel like my character is 'missing the story'. But things like double hooking or NPC shifts? I don't have any issues with that at all!
  7. R

    Class and School Breakup September '19

    Not much love for the rogues apparently.
  8. R


    Ruki waves to the four as they leave, "Have fun, die loudly!"
  9. R


    Ruki smiled and nodded to the two new arrivals. He then turned to Elly, "we'll definitely search for you. You're our comrades in arms! Plus, we need as many people as we can that are willing to delve into the Reaches. I do hope you find what you're looking for and that you return to us in three...
  10. R


    Ruki laughs, "I'm sure the magistrate would approve. He's not being too disorderly, and there are most definitely worse ways to blow off steam. All things considered, I'm surprised there isn't a bigger issue with intoxicate and hallucinates among the adventurers."
  11. R

    New Winter campaign: Haven

    I think that's what I'm looking forward to the most.
  12. R

    Event Review: One down, Six to go

    6 people died when we closed the last realm. No perma deaths.
  13. R


    "Being here definitely gives you a purpose," he agreed. "Before I grouped up with everyone, I was an uneducated messenger in High Port with a pregnant wife at home. But you deliver a letter to the right person, take a wrong turn somewhere you shouldn't and it'll drastically change your life...
  14. R


    "Don't feel bad about running," Ruki sighed closing his eyes. "We are all running or ran from something at some point. What matters is that you're going back." He took a moment before continuing, "I hope that you find your brother, and that your home is not too badly damaged. And if it is, do...
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    "Well, hopefully the others arrive soon," he smiled. "And where might your hometown be? Is the place in danger? Although, I guess everywhere is in danger when you take the Dark Reaches into account."
  16. R


    Ruki emerged from the Sanctum after what felt like a year, as the sun and cool fall breeze hit him, he stretched his arms and yawned. "Good... whatever time of day it is to you Eli," he nodded. "You're looking... anxious. Everything ok?"
  17. R

    Event Review: One down, Six to go

    And Artur. So three new weavers!
  18. R

    Event Review: One down, Six to go

    Was it the surprise that caught you off guard/didn't like? Because quite often things happen that didn't go as planned/that we didn't expect.
  19. R

    Event Review: One down, Six to go

    Solrex... who was the other?
  20. R

    Preparing For Battle

    "It'll be all of our lives, and those we care about, if we don't," Ruki sighed. As the silence crept in, as did his intrusive thoughts. He stood up and smiled to his friend, "We're not going to fail again, I'm sure of it." With that, the human nodded and headed out of the tavern with no real...