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  1. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    Yeah, a psychoanalysis of a fictional character can go into it's own thread. Update wise, the boys are progressing so fast, it's like a snowball. 1 word... 4 words... 20 words... now we've lost count. Plus we're getting 2 word phrases (red boat, blue car, hi daddy, me down. even a few 3 words-...
  2. Redcloud

    The Hunt

    yeah, but the indv one has a hunt in it!
  3. Redcloud

    What goes around...

    And we thought we were being original and funny when we do stuff like this: That's sooooooo eighteen-hundreds....
  4. Redcloud

    The Hunt

    Thank you very much Squire Trevor, I look foward to seing what challenges you put forth in the next hunt. I only wish I didn't have to wait an entire year. -Red
  5. Redcloud

    Grievous Slander

    Who knew spelling and grammer could cause such a conflict. Especially when it's Gilwing's spelling and grammer. He's lucky he can spell is own name, much less use a cliche correctly. Sparky, Tieran's just an arse, he looks for people to try and debate him so he can belittle them. I think that's...
  6. Redcloud

    The Hunt

    any luck finding the list, I'd also love to see which items no team figured out.
  7. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    Hey Rock, Some of us elves don't have any problems with baning necro, I don't see a problem to be fixed. -Red
  8. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    It was awesome to meet you in person finally. After leaving notes for each other back and forth, it was nice to be able to place a face to the notes.
  9. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    Just forget to mention that's he's on Black Forest. :lol:
  10. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    Ya see, people keep focusing on the return of damage to the caster of the chaos spell. I put forth, 9 time out of ten, the caster of such a spell is immune to it's effect, so the only "benefit" I recieve is one less wound on my body. For the few casters that it does affect, I can not help that...
  11. Redcloud

    The Hunt

    Still awaiting any kind of report on the scores. It's quite important to me, I don't know why, but I just have to know.
  12. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    Ok, I have issues with this statement. I'm an Elf, I'm vehemently against necromancy in any form, yet I've used a bane necromancy charm in the past. My logic wasn't as twisted and maleficent as you would suggest. It was more along the lines of "I don't want the taint of that wreched abbhoration...
  13. Redcloud


    Now we do! I'm getting close to losing my spot on the team, lol. I'm a nerd with good costumes who roleplays.... where did I go wrong? ((Awaits the avalanche of snide quips and snipes))
  14. Redcloud

    Dave Balsome/Gilwing

    They're going to be a force to reconed with, one can be a fighter and the other a Earth Caster. **Poppa Redcould point at the big bad... "You, go slay the hell out of that thing... You, Don't let your brother die!** Of coure, they'd both have sword and board and gasses... **The boys head...
  15. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    25 hours a week is amazing, my wife and I had to beg, borrow and steal to just get 13 each. However, with the addition of the Methyl B12 shots and the GFCF (Gluten Free, Casein Free) Diet, we've been very lucky to have our boys come a long long way. Brendan just learned to count to 10! I've seen...
  16. Redcloud

    Is it wrong to bane necromancy?

    Although I know this discussion is about necromancy, I would be interested in hear about what *any* energy does when it misses it's intented target? Eldrith Force? Arcane? Dragon Magics?
  17. Redcloud

    Player Wealth

    I'm sure it'll be a long and exhausting search,possibly checking places 2 or 3 times, but i'm willing to put the the time for the good of.... well, of myself...
  18. Redcloud

    Dave Balsome/Gilwing

    Like the art of blaming someone else for your misdeeds...
  19. Redcloud

    Dave Balsome/Gilwing

    But with Black Forest, the learn quite a bit too.....
  20. Redcloud

    Dave Balsome/Gilwing

    Problem is after renting em out they sometimes come back with bad habits....