Search results

  1. Denise

    August Event

    The August Event is coming! (August 28-30) ** Denise does not regularly check this thread for questions. All questions should be sent to the logistics email, this is the only way to ensure logistics recieves your concerns and responds in a timely manner. Cabin lists, availablity and a way to...
  2. Denise

    June Event

    The June Event is coming! (June 5th-7th) Pre-register via our amazing form! We will award 15 goblin stamps to players that attend the event and pre-register before 05/22/15 Your pre-registration must be complete in order to be awarded the goblin stamps. NPCs.... Pretty Please Pre-Register...
  3. Denise

    Looking for Catalyst that was stolen - Token of an Ancient Hero

    As it turns out, what I thought was a item of magical means that I found early Sunday morning is in fact your catalyst. I had not looked at the item until today while packing for another gather. I will give it to Panda, as she is a member of the celestial guild. -Taliya
  4. Denise

    May Event Pre-Reg

    This is why we can't have nice things. Nope, just haven't accumulated all the answers yet. It's updated :)
  5. Denise

    May Event Pre-Reg

    The May Event is coming! (May 8th-10th ) Pre-register via our amazing form! We will award 15 goblin stamps to players that attend the event and pre-register before 04/17/15 Your pre-registration must be complete in order to be awarded the goblin stamps. NPCs.... Pretty Please Pre-Register...
  6. Denise

    Seeking Racial Transformation scroll and catalyst

    I am currently seeking a Racial Transformation scroll and Catalyst. Will to pay competitively for a set capable of being cast in either of the lands I often reside. Please contact me should you be accepting of offers. -Taliya
  7. Denise

    Seeking Racial Transformation and Catalyst

    I am currently seeking a Racial Transformation scroll and Catalyst. Will to pay competitively for a set capable of being cast in either of the lands I often reside. Please contact me should you be accepting of offers. -Taliya
  8. Denise

    March 2015 Event

    Fixed. Also a word to the wise, I don't really check the board. But I do check logistics email. -Denise
  9. Denise

    March 2015 Event

    Because pre-registration is not closed you may still opt in for the meal plan. Please email logistics who would like to be added. Thanks, Denise
  10. Denise

    Deception Pass Cabins

    I didn't see your post about 52 until after I posted the list, like right now... :(
  11. Denise

    Deception Pass Cabins

    Greetings from Logistics! In an effort to prepare for the upcoming event, we wanted to provide attendees some information about the camp site and begin to coordinate lodging. Below is a link to a map of the campsite and building designations. - The Duplex (Building 45)= NPC Sleeping - Mess...
  12. Denise

    March 2015 Event

    I'll have it up by tomorrow night hopefully.
  13. Denise

    March 2015 Event

    The March Event is coming! (March 6th-8th) **Deception Pass at Cornet Bay ELC** Pre-register via our amazing form! We will award 15 goblin stamps to players that attend the event and pre-register before 02/20/15. Your pre-registration must be complete in order to be awarded the goblin stamps...
  14. Denise

    To Zeth

    Do with my portion as you see fit Karzel. -Taliya
  15. Denise

    On Blood Magic and Details

    Roann, I will provide for you this scroll and cast it if it is what you want. -Taliya
  16. Denise

    On Blood Magic and Details

    Roann, Thank you for sharing this information. This aligns with the information I gathered from the Cheif while he was in town. I would like to talk to you further about offering my assistance. I see the good in knowing how blood magic works and how to counter it. Especially should any of us...
  17. Denise

    Ceriopolis Trainers

    Name: Taliya Students per day: One Skills: Celestial Magic
  18. Denise

    Looking for a Ward?

    Hello, I know I offered quite a few wards to new adventurers last gather and cast several. This coming gather is quickly approaching and I would like to know who will need this assistance again. To note: I only offer wards to those who are incapable of casting their own. I do not ward bunks...
  19. Denise

    September 2014 Event Pre-Registration

    Hey there, Emily and I are hitting the pre-registrations hard tomorrow and will hopefully have an updated list up ASAP. Thanks, Denise Brown On-Site logistics
  20. Denise

    Town patrols

    I will help you. If there is anything you'd like warded for safety I can provide you with this as well. Safe Travels, Taliya