Search results

  1. Denise

    Long lost sailor heading into port...

    Raif, We have more then enough room for more family to stay with us the next gather. If you have found lodging with those you are more familiar I still look forward to meeting you. If you are in need of anything that you are unable to carry with you please let me know. -Taliya
  2. Denise

    Found at June event

    I didn't find anything matching that description in the radio box in the van.
  3. Denise

    Posted on the wall- Underwater Cave full of Undead

    I was only curious. Personally I will accept no payment from this endeavor. I agree that we are here for a greater purpose than that of gathering coin. I think many times we lose sight of this. I know I am guilty of it. The memory of Yames will always remind me that I will only dance so long and...
  4. Denise

    Posted on the wall- Underwater Cave full of Undead

    So all that was found was 7 gold and 3 components? I know Boganzi, Garrick, Teth, Lone and myself were present.
  5. Denise

    Found at June event

    I realized I left my black shoes. If someone has them let me know.
  6. Denise

    Summer Picnic Party

    I can help set up :) Also I can bring some drink stuff but can covers/pitchers will likely be needed.
  7. Denise

    Earth Aura Scroll for sale

  8. Denise

    Convention Coordinator: Crypticon!

    I'm free either day.
  9. Denise

    Earth Aura Scroll for sale

    I have an Earth Aura scroll to offer for sale from Tarndale, it can travel. I am willing to trade for coin, components, etc. Best wishes, Taliya
  10. Denise


    Are your books all sold out?
  11. Denise

    Trading Channel Spell Formal Scroll

    Boganzi has already made a deal for this scroll. But thank you all for your interest. -Taliya
  12. Denise

    Components wanted/ for trade

    Roan, I would like to make a trade with you for components through my family members at the meeting in a few days. I am required elsewhere. Could you send me a private missive with your asking price. -Taliya
  13. Denise

    Components wanted/ for trade

  14. Denise

    Components wanted/ for trade

    I am looking for components that are feyander, jetsam, nightshade or fangtooth. I am willing to pay gold for them or trade for the cariosus, penna, heartstone or wand that I currently have which are all fresh. Please let me know if you are interested.
  15. Denise

    Event Favorites

    -Staying in the town guard cabin and Hugh running in to yell help. Not something I ever wanted hear. As well as it bringing a lot of new people together. - Gypsy mod was awesome! Toady also hilarious and fun to RP with. - Being loved by a skree! It almost made me want to be nice to that one...
  16. Denise

    Lost Crow

    I have seemed to have misplaced a tiny dead crow while in the ghost town. It might be in my clothing stash but am concerned I lost him while being chased by echoes. He is a magic item of little power but I miss my feathered counter part. If you have found him and are kind enough to give him back...
  17. Denise

    July 2012 Event Favorite Moments

    So many good things. Meeting Jax for the first time and telling him I won't attack him. Followed by Yasmay telling me I need to beat him up. Oh man watching Alavatar running away from the tavern being chased by echoes. All I could think was omg! omg! I should run away! But Alavatar needs...
  18. Denise

    Carpool to overnight game day?

    I have two people but Shades/David might still be looking for someone.
  19. Denise

    July Overnight Details

    PC Taliya!
  20. Denise

    Friendly Dinner?

    I will be in attendance. I will bring something along the lines of salsa or cheese and crackers. I'd hate to punish any of you with my cooking. -Taliya