Search results

  1. Denise

    Carpool to overnight game day?

    I'd really like to find someone to carpool with. If your usual ride isn't going or saving gas sounds awesome I have 1-2 spaces free in my car. I'm in shoreline, so if your relatively near by and need a ride let me know. -Denise
  2. Denise

    Looking for wand or heartstone

    Looking for wand or heartstone components. Can be very not fresh.
  3. Denise

    Looking for Spear

    Zeth, Thank you. I don't require it at the tournement but would ask we could work out an exchange before or at the next gathering. -Taliya
  4. Denise

    Looking for Spear

    I is looking for spear for myself. Must be able to kill skree better. Let me know if you have and no longer need or want. Can trade coin or some other deal like barter. Open to any kind of spear. -Taliya
  5. Denise

    Gameday Logistics

    Denise will be there as Taliya. Also Brianna Fowler-Lindner as Gadea (new pc) and Doug as Paragon (new pc)
  6. Denise

    NPC Rolecall for May

    What time should NPCs be at the site?
  7. Denise

    NPC Rolecall for May

    Also Adam F. all weekend.
  8. Denise

    NPC Rolecall for May

    I will NPC the entire time. Plus tentatively my dad on Saturday night to see what we are all about.
  9. Denise

    Found Necklace March event

    Thanks. I found it IG and tried to find it's owner with so such luck. I suppose I shall continue down that path. I simply wanted to make sure it wasn't a personal effect that had OOG significance to someone.
  10. Denise

    Found Necklace March event

    I was going through my stuff and forgot that I found a necklace at the March Oregon event. If it happens to be yours you should let me know. It has numbers on it.
  11. Denise

    Polearms wanted

    They are made and ready to be yours :D
  12. Denise

    Polearms wanted

    I can totatlly make you two polearms. When yould you like them by?
  13. Denise

    Working on the farm?

    Taliya will be staying to help.
  14. Denise

    Gameday Pre-reg

    Oh man such a late reply but I will be there as Taliya. -Denise
  15. Denise

    Celestial Spell Book

    Looking for a full spell book.