((OOG Heya everyone. The time has come for winter write up submissions. If you want to be part of winter actions and work with others as listed above , email me aggy78@gmail.com. Also list the character and what you eanna do and we will figure stuff out. ))
Heya folks!
I hope everyone's having a great holiday season. I'm breaking from my plan of waiting till after the new year but I'm just damn excited.
We have alot of back stage work we are going to be doing the most direct way for us to refit and rebuild.
One of the easiest ways for us...
Ian, there's a great deal you can help with.
Squire, you are already doing what needs to be done. Thank you for stepping forward.
Captain Hogrim,
The Legion is welcome and your aid is needed.
We all have much to do to rebuild.
Squire Altohtaro,
You are welcome in my halls. You and your people are welcome at my hearth. Imladar does not stand alone. Tell us what you need and we will help our allies.
Vigilance and Valor, Squire
My friends,
This recent year has been difficult. Powers beyond us have transformed the world we knew. So much has been lost or altered yet many of us remain.
We stand now because we have come together. We have stood as one in so many ways. We stand because of sacrifice and sweat. Blood and...