Search results

  1. ecrath

    Tavern Tales

    *The following is becoming increasingly popular in many of the taverns, public houses, and bars across all of Rathfall.* There once was a lady of a great green land Who’s fields were something to behold. Her plot were yet untouched by any hand A fertile place worth more than gold. The grass...
  2. ecrath

    Gavaria April 2024 Event Favorites!

    Hello Chicago Alliance. What a wonderful adventure in Gavaria this weekend. Another watcher, a raid on the Miranda's, and maybe a chance at saving Paswall!?!?!?! So many things to talk about. Let's hear your favorites!
  3. ecrath

    An introduction and invitation

    Hello Adventurers, I will be stopping by Atupal to offer my aid for your many expeditions. I am a brewer and also a brewer. That is to say if you are in need of potions, I can make that happened. Also if you would like some tasty homemade ale, I can also provide. Please reach out to me with any...
  4. ecrath

    Itinerary for the Royal Wedding

    Greetings Unbounded, My name is Laten Thananlass and I am the wedding coordinator for the upcoming royal nuptials. The following is our itinerary for the many different facets of this joyous occasion. These are all subject to minor adjustments throughout the day. Please feel free to contact me...
  5. ecrath

    A Royal Invitation

  6. ecrath

    Embassy Opening

    People of Gavaria, allow me to introduce myself. I am Master Mistweaver Jonas a magical researcher of the lands of Rathfall. Through the efforts of myself and your brilliant Simon Ebbenbarns we have determined that there is indeed a way for our world to have limited connections. This process is...
  7. ecrath

    Portal Keys for Sale

    Unbounded, Some of you may remember that there were a set of keys that were out of stock when I last came to sell them. I am happy to announce that new stock has been created. I have 7 of the keys that lead to the portal just outside Castle Whitecrown available. Since you will be in Rook's...
  8. ecrath

    A mysterious letter arrives

    No matter what mistsphere you are currently in, an envelope addressed to you arrives and contains the following invitation...
  9. ecrath

    The Fate of the Bootstrappers

    The Bootstrappers headed east. They have just returned after being attacked in the deep woods they found. 4 of the 8 are dead. They report that there are several large wolfbears and multiple smaller ones there. We need some unbounded to clear them out. (OOG this mod will be available at lay on)...
  10. ecrath

    Fate of the Last Chancers

    The Last Chancers headed west of the war camp. They found a small settlement of Blighted Kobolds. From what they were able to witness from a distance they seem to be leading normal lives. Perhaps having a chat with them might lead to some new information about the area. (OOG this mod will be...
  11. ecrath

    The Fate of the Son's of Rathfall

    The Son's of Rathfall traveled North as suggested by the unbounded. They have reported back this morning. They have encountered an abandoned campsite. There seems to be some supplies left. We are asking the unbounded to go and check it out after you arrive for the gather. (Oog this mod will be...
  12. ecrath

    Scouting the Area

    Unbounded, we have arrived at the camp where you all will be brought to on Friday. There is much to explore out here and I would like your input on where our scouting groups will go. All we have mapped so far is the large river to the Southwest. The Son's of Rathfall, the Last Chancers, and the...
  13. ecrath

    Critical Attacks and ranged weapons

    Currently in the 2.1 rule book critical attacks only provide 1 pt of damage to melee attacks not all weapon attacks, is this intended?
  14. ecrath

    Services for next market

    Hello denizens of Evodia. Me and mine will be coming to visit in the upcoming market and I am looking for a few things to make the journey easier on myself. I am I need of 2 or 3 bags of spare parts and someone to spell craft a spell parry onto a blade for me. Thank you, Ignathis Nachtfeuer...
  15. ecrath

    Lecture on Mistportals

    Unbounded from the Mists and the adventurers of Rathfall. I am planning to travel to Old Rathfall to the Tavern the High Vindicator has set aside for your lodging this market. I will be there promptly on Friday night to give a speech about the workings of the Mistportals. I will also have public...
  16. ecrath

    May 26-29 2023 Favorites!

    Back by popular demand. Please drop your favorites into this thread and keep dropping your different forms of art on our social media pages! I'll edit this to add my favorites later on, so check back in! * tree time with halcyon * the story of emperor thaddeus * all of the plays * 2v1 training...
  17. ecrath

    The Apothecary's Apothecary

    Hello Adventures and visitors, I am once again setting out to meet your production needs. I have open slots for the creation of superior equipment and mundane adventuring equipment. Reach out to me if you need anything. Kettle Croquet Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage III of his clutch, the...
  18. ecrath

    April Favorites

    Let's get this thread started!!! Thank you plot, npcs, and pcs for another wonder weekend. Here are some of my favorites: *Walking Uther through the different styles of hidden mazes I designed for the connectors while drunk. Two Nests and an Egg, A portrait of my mother, and the Symphony Dusk...
  19. ecrath

    The Mandrake Strikes Again

    Once again the School of the Mandrake is open for any adventurers to come join. I will teach you how to fight better, protect your friends, and make you only slightly miserable while doing it. Sign up today! (This is an ibga action that can be taken.) Blademaster Ignathis Nachtfeuer of the...
  20. ecrath

    School of the Mandrake

    Adventures, I welcome any and all of you to join the School of the Mandrake for training between markets. We will be journeying across Gavaria to promote the school. Join me at the hub in Atupal if you wish to learn how to fight. (OOG this is a potential IBGA action if you wish to join in...