Search results

  1. Durrigan/Marcus

    Silvering and strengthening items

    I will be available for these services before(silvering) and after(strengthening) dinner Saturday. Cost will only be base but tips are always welcome. Silvering=10 sp Strengthening =1 gp/charge(max 3 charges per item)
  2. Durrigan/Marcus

    Recycle Questions

    When using Recycle, can you only break down items that correspond to the skill you have? Or can say, a Smith break down scrolls. Also, do the crafting materials created need to match the items broken down, or can they be any CM the character with Recycling chooses?
  3. Durrigan/Marcus

    Indomitable Will not in CMA?

    I qualify for Indomitable Will, but it is not listed as an option to take in the CMA. It is not listed under the skill tab either.
  4. Durrigan/Marcus

    Merchant Insight/Jack of All Trades

    Do these rituals work together? If so, do they need to be on the same item? JoaT: "The character also counts as having Healing Arts, Herbal Lore, Create Trap, and Read Magic for the purpose of Identifying production items." Merchant Insight: "The Merchant Insight Ritual allows a character, if...
  5. Durrigan/Marcus

    Multiple Focus

    Is it possible to use focus on 2 different effects, say refitting Arcane Armor and using Recharge Prowess at the same time? Or do they each require a separate 60 second count?
  6. Durrigan/Marcus

    Update to LCO Magic Item Purchase Policy?

    Is there an update to this given the rules change, with updated rituals/info?