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  1. C

    APRIL Pre-registration list: CLOSED

    Re: APRIL Pre-registration list Add me to that list!
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    To Emilio

    Emilio, I hope you remember me now. If not, I'll be sure to give you another shot to remember. Muggins Letterby Stoutheart
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    november faves

    -That was me! Hey, listen I was hungry and they're were some constructs that scared away the line! On to the Favorites! The Asylum Module. One of the best mods I've ever been on. Scary, funny and exciting! Thank you: Stacy's brother, Doug, Kelly, Chris and unknown NPC. Love saving Hoblings! It...
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    Ritual Scrolls for Sale/Trade

    Hey Varen, It's Mugg. What do you want for the Spirit Link???
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    To he or she who has Lord Knight Ragnar's items

    To he or she who has Lord Knight Ragnar's items, If you mistakenly took such items or if you now have second thoughts about your actions- fear not! I am willing to serve as a VERY discreet courier! See me at the Black Stag Tavern in the next couple days if you are interested in doing the right...
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    Grattitude for your friendship

    Wise words Alor, Telokh and Squire Ulthoc Let us no longer trouble ourselves with talk of the decisions of Veil's life unless she forces us to do so. Man at Arms Cinder Thunderhammer Vex Squad, "Rock of Trellheim"
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    So tell me

    If we cannot live with the words Walgar is saying, can we not look past them to the truth? Honor Combat is ancient tradition which decided for many cultures (including my own in our history) who was right or just about matters of importance. The real "meat and potatos" issue will be solved from...
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    Amongst the animosity, Victory

    Lt. Ithica, I'd bless your spirit if I could! Words of good tidings even in the darkest of moments! I will look positively on today because I still breathe and suffer to fight another day! Thank you for the praise of our troops of the Vex Squad! We do appreciate verbal gratituide! Thank you...
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    A disturbing Trend

    This fact troubles me greatly. I do not know what this person (or persons) tried to accomplish by revealing our plans to Lochabur and Arienne but they have cost us freedom from the tyranny and evil of the Galanthian Vampires. With our enemies surrounding us perhaps the weakening of one of our...
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    A Notice to All Adventurers

    To the friends of Ragnar, Ragnar and I had our differences through the years but we always had each other's back. I can remember many, many fond times adventuring together. Sometimes we'd be seeking treasure, drinking in a tavern and making fun of people of other obnoxious behaviors. I just saw...
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    Grattitude for your friendship

    Honorable Citizen Races, Veil, by the laws of the Kingdom of Icenia, has paid for her convicted crimes. She will now have the opportunity to live her life again but always with an eye wary and concerned on her movements. What we must remeber is that her slate is now swept clean (legally...
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    Single, Yellow, Male seek' Single, Yellow, Female

    Muggins Letterby Stoutheart, Hobling of the Protectorate of Hobland Member of the Arkelian Hunt
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    Single, Yellow, Male seek' Single, Yellow, Female

    Out of curiosity, how long is a long-term relationship for an Ogre?
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    Looking for race change ritual scroll plus catalyst

    Perwin, I have heard good things about you though we have never met. I offer some advice from Ryban's tale- seek out a racial elder among Hoblings. We, Hoblings, are practical people and perhaps with money, trade or task he may grant you the racial transformation so you can become a Hobling. I...
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    The Last Squires Meeting

    Your wise words were not lost on my old ears. Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer of Nordenn, I hear and agree. I am one who will unite with you. I hope that all those of like-mind will join us to "make war against evil without cessation". Man At Arms Cinder Thunderhammer of the Untiring Phalanx
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    April weekend favorites

    :evil: Swinging pipe with my boy Scooter/Findaarth. He's Batman and I'm Robin. "Holy hopping snot Findarth". Chilling with Dee/Kiri. Scooter and I may be scary but she makes being a Dark Elf look good. Plus she's BADASS. A thank you to my new homie Marek! This guy is not only a Dark Elf's...
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    Eggplanters! Please Read!

    Yeah. I think we are staying in the same hotel room. We should keep you in the loop!
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    Eggplanters! Please Read!

    DORK! :D
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    John Finnegan - The Best of Us All - Rest in Peace

    Dear John, Its really hard to write this letter to you but I had to tell you about your funeral... -I can’t keep the tears back as I type.- I showed up early because I couldn’t think about anything else all week. It was so hard to see you lying there because you looked so small and you always...