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  1. D


    Tooth beads if you can find them, or you can make like a hundred of them out of white clay in an hour.
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    Slays and Assassinates

    Part of the problem here is that instant takeouts make for lame fights, especially vs BBGs. If higher end skills didn't all rely on instant takeout, I bet we'd see more stick. Another issue is target selection: dumping big skills into things that you know will defend against them is kinda...
  3. D

    Hey, Alliance: are you a roleplayer or a fighter?

    "Both" kind of is the cop-out answer here, but the question is really asking for it. If one of those things really was the primary reason, I'd play a different game. I play this one to have a good RP reason to get into padded stick fights.
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    Scroll Making

    The new Healer's Resolve change is pretty pimp now that it's a pool. Worth checking out once you've got your Rebirth and Magic Purify.
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    New to Michigan

    Welcome! Were you playing Alliance before and took a break, or were you playing other games, too?
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    Staff Rep

    It's too late now, but for future staff using, we tied some really thin scarves to the handles of a boring duct tape staff to gypsy it up. If the scarves are whispy enough there's never a trapping problem, they're just too slow. Works great for borrowed staves!
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    Camp Sakakawea

    How is Camp Sakakawea? That's the new site coming up, right? Do we have any pictures of it yet, or know how the kitchen will work?