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  1. Raen


    Hey guys! Now that the craziness that is the end of my every year is over, I'm looking at prep work for various hobby things over the next year. Are we going to see a link for IBGAs in the near future? (I promise, the one I'm about to write will be less detailed than many of the ones I...
  2. Raen

    OOG Clarification - Heading to the Dread Isles

    So... are we on separate boats again? Or are all of us on the LeGard(sp). I managed to miss that somewhere in the conversation...
  3. Raen

    One Winter Night in Deepjug's Tavern...

    ((OOG: Jay suggested a while ago that we start a tavern thread for some downtime RP out here in the open, on the forums, where everyone can choose to be involved. I thought it was a fantastic idea, so I'm moving it along a little by randomly scene setting a little... Is your PC staying in New...