Search results

  1. Kailisa

    Best Roleplayer (June 8-10)

    Cynn would have to be my favorite. When we were walking that very long track through the mountains to salve a puzzle and move a continent, I had lashed out at a remark Mathis said to me an Cynn. Cynn was like “Your my spirit animal” I laughed and said that she probably shouldn’t like or...
  2. Kailisa

    Highlight of Your Event (June 8-10)

    I loved witnessing Sarro and 4 others faces when the Hook Horror started running at them. It was like in a movie where they have it go in slow-motion and play dramatic music. Their reactions were so great that in the midst of battle I was laughing my *** off.
  3. Kailisa

    Best NPC Interaction (June 8-10)

    I had two, first one was Grandpa and then when I was the last person stuck in the healers guild hut; just standing with my back to the right of the door making eye contact with Fear and standing shoulder to shoulder with her creation. Glad Mathis thought to ask if anyone else was in there.
  4. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Kit- I know, worth a shot though. Ardos- I will contact you directly for a more proper apology, but still Please accept my apology, I did mean well.
  5. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Saro, details are normally appreciated when talking about such things.... I can't believe the thief won't even give you your box back, at the very least give the box back.
  6. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Oh Saro I didn't know, I'm sorry. You didn't rez did you? If not, then try to put it out of your mind, remember chaos shadows people's minds and it's hard not to lash out. Don't take it so hard that it clouds your judgment, lil sister.
  7. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Then don't be sad.
  8. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Your going to have to explain the whole murder thing to me cause what I'm thinking of might be the wrong incident, I'm not trying to hurt you Saro but you called Randi a "asshat," I sure you meant it in a joking way but Cyn didn't know that. I love that you stepped up for me. Randi has a good...
  9. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    I'm sorry for my slow response to you Randi, your words aren't lost on me, though I find it hard to not lose my temper at their genuine disregard for Cyn, and all the things she does for everyone. She is selfless and deserves respect, not a spit in the face! It's not the gold or the box, it's...
  10. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Your comment does not quench my thirst to murder face the *** who did this to Cyn....
  11. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    I want a full report, names, times, sighting, everything! Where the box was and who went in the area of the box/coin. Kai will not except no less.
  12. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    And they won't give back the box, what the mother of fucks!
  13. Kailisa

    Missing Box and Coin

    Wait a pea picking moment...Cyn, How long ago did this box of coin go missing, how much gold is missing, why havent Kai been informed, the person who hoards coin like no ones business, about missing coin? And who in the obis would steal from our sweet and loving Cyn? They need to be thunder...
  14. Kailisa

    Please Do not murderface Goblins for no reason

    Zhool gives Kai all sorts of cool things!