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    Who is Npcing?

    Sound off here. 50 pcs going to need npcs. Tim
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    Low level favs

    Wow its been a long time since ive had that much non-stop fun at a event. I had a great time playing Feng. Right now my head hurts and i cant talk, so ill be posting more later. 1 Moxie Chase, I always love playing with Amanda ( who would guess ) But Moxie is something she had been...
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    Lookin to buy wards

    Lookin to procure two, possibly three, wards for associates and friends. Please reply here if you are able to do such a thing, and please state your price. ~Mattock Lightfoot Ironleaf of the Woodkeep Clan
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    I would like to buy a ward

    I would like to buy a ward, If someone from the mages guild would want ta sell one. Please name your price and when ya could do it. Thank you Mattock Lightfoot Ironleaf of the Wookkeep Clan