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  1. J

    Heard at the Tavern

    Over the month following the dramatic fall in the value of pecans, frequenters of the tavern at Landfall find themselves repeatedly subject to both the gypsy Yenu's bellowing of the following verses and her enthusiastic demands for coin: "Shibboleth, she rules now: Finally she is queen! Adorned...
  2. J

    March Event Role Call

    Conor and Jocelyn are fine!
  3. J

    3 Day High Points

    Panthergaunt fight. Terror, weeping, and oh-****-he-just-said-gypsies. Princess/Queen Raissa! Sara, you make such an adorable zombie puppy. Crazy suicidal dryads. Awesome coaster armor! The Funeral (faucets). Coronation. Realizing the dragon is following me into my building. F***. Getting Roan...
  4. J

    Late Summer 3-day?

    YESSSS!!! Yenu will certainly make an appearance and will try very hard not to be sick this time.
  5. J

    Excellent Event!

    I really enjoyed the parts that I actually could do, and wish that I had been well enough to appreciate your awesome event more! Thank you to everyone who helped take care of me and showed concern--we have a wonderful group of people.
  6. J

    Pre-reg List

    I'm pretty positive that Amy is coming with us to NPC again :).
  7. J


    Check the bottom of that page: it says last updated 8/29/2008.
  8. J

    Tavern Day / Yule Party

    According to what I read on just now, Seattle's chance of snow is limited to Sunday starting around noon in the form of rain/snow confusion, and Winlock is likely to see a burst of snow for a few hours right around when the mod starts today, with no predicted snow tomorrow. The...
  9. J


    Yenu marches into the tavern with a gleam in her eye and nails the following notice to a wall: "SEEKING: Musical Instruments, Dulcet Voices, Nimble Dancers, Tellers of Stories and Players, Madrigals and Verses and All Manner of Noisome Contraptions To Sound a Merry Clamor, the Report of...
  10. J

    Tavern Day / Yule Party

    Count me in! I'll stay overnight if there's room for me.
  11. J

    Tavern Night - Availability and Interest

    I just got my request for that day off approved! Huzzah!
  12. J

    Tavern Night - Availability and Interest

    Maybe it could be done potluck-style, with us all buying it from each other. If we trust each other enough. Maybe not. Whatever weekend is good for me, the latter being nicer homework-wise, but I just need to have a concrete date well ahead of time to be able to finagle it off work.
  13. J

    Tavern Night - Availability and Interest

    I'd be happy with either of the first two options, although if you did the third it wouldn't turn me away by any means. However, I'll have to be sneaky in order to be available since my company isn't letting anyone request days off for most of December. My final exams can be worked around :)...
  14. J

    October- thanks for a great game!

    Oops...I forgot I hadn't posted here yet. This was an awesome event!!! Staff and NPCs, thank you for all the lovely plot and costumes and excitement and rp and doom--it was tons of fun. PCs, thank you for being so great to play with. It's hard for me to list highlights of the weekend because...
  15. J

    This Event is Brought to You by the Letter "D"

    Durst I determine the drift of this delphic dispatch dissembling drollery? Durst I? DURST I?! (dizzies and drops)
  16. J

    Next Oregon Event September 11-13th

    I recall from the last event that this weekend's reservation down there was given to Devia for various reasons and that the next event is the October one...I'm sure somebody who knows more can confirm this.
  17. J

    Weekend Event October 9, 10, 11

    太好了!Great! I'm absolutely going to come.
  18. J

    Weekend 5-1-9 through 5-3-9

    Thank you for the fun, and also for your concern--my tailbone will be okay :).
  19. J

    Weekend 5-1-9 through 5-3-9

    Thanks for the reminder, Raissa--my mattress almost stayed stashed behind some boxes in my basement for the weekend.
  20. J

    Next Oregon Event September 11-13th

    Well, I'm happy. Sooner than November + I don't have school until the 30th.