+1 Greater Wand up for sale or trade

The Phalanx will be in possession of a +1 Greater Wand that can be put onto any type (or rep) wand of your choice in about a months time. It will last for one year (9/24/2012), with no flaws, and will travel all the mists.

If you are interested in offering to trade for or buy this item please contact me privately. We are most interested in trading for ritual scrolls or magic items, but would consider selling for components or coin as well.

This is not an auction, first come first serve when contacting me and discussing a deal. I will make a further notice when this item is no longer 'open' for consideration.

Thank you for your time,

- Eldarion Avari
Treasurer of the Phalanx of Caldaria
This item has been traded.

- Eldarion