2009 Low Level Rules


Low Level Event Specifications

Cap: 114bp (upper end of level 10). No exceptions or allowances will be made for non-combat build expenditures. This is a "hard cap."

Magic Items:
Times Per Day Items: 6 effects total per person (ex: 2/day cloak summoned force, 3/day bane curse , 1/day circle of power = 6 per day effects). This does NOT mean six items per person (unless each of those six items is only once per day).

Constant Items: One constant effect per person (ex: arcane armor, protection aura, weapons with earth/chaos, elemental or damage aura etc.)

There will be no limit on times ever items (ex: 4/ever bind, once ever dodge) as once these are used they are inert.

General treasure: If the majority (50% or more) of a team is attending, they may bring their entire team treasury if they so choose. Otherwise players are expected to use their judgment on what is appropriate to sustain them for the weekend without spoiling the fun of others. This is to prevent a team from giving all of its treasury to just one or a handful of people and giving them an unfair advantage. If it comes to the attention of the staff that this rule is being abused, it may be considered a breach of the Good Sportsmanship Rule and handled accordingly.
Hello, HQ players!

This is your friendly neighborhood plot adjunct speaking. Now that Michelle has posted the rules, there is no excuse for not listening to me bothering you all about coming to the lowbie event. Which, by the way, I will be writing.

So, do you enjoy:
Running up and down steep hills?
Whacking oozes in the face with foam swords until it stops being funny?!

Then get to it! I speak from experience when I say that starting a new character is AWESOME. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, we have a new PC race that looks totally epic and important in lots of roleplaying and plot ways. (wink wink, nudge nudge)

See you in August!
I can't wait to play this event. HQ really throws some excellent low level weekends. I highly encourage anybody thinking of attending to come and enjoy yourself.

Justin Coggin
I'm in. Glad I can finally make it! Very much looking forward to being a generally grumpy dwarf and having a blast.
Get ready for the sideburns, baby. Evie and Rupert are gonna rock your event.
I looks like since i missed the last event ( moving ) that Mattock might show up with everyone eles form last year.

Need an official response on this one. Can players blanket the lowbie with non lowbie characters?

let me know, thanks

-HQ Logistics
I did actually post a thread on this on the rules board Robb. The answer was: players can blanket their non lowbie characters if they NPC, which ACTUALLY is blanketing their character with goblin stamps as per the system. Most places just remove the step of giving them 60 goblins for NPC'ing and automatically blanket them. So mechanically speaking blanketing with goblins you already have is no different...

but by all means I would enjoy an official response too. :)
I would assume it is a chapter to chapter thing... ::shrug:: but I have players asking me via Logistics email and I don't know the official answer.. so here I am. :geek:

let me know oh powers that be!
from my experience, goblin stamping events and monthly goblin blankets is not a chapter to chapter policy issue. the rates are even uniform.
i dunno about that. not saying you are wrong... just saying i'm lookin for the ruling by those involved with the chapter.
My understanding has always been that if you PC an event the XP goes to the character you PC'd. You still have the option of using your XP blanket (purchased with gobbies) on whoever you want but the two days of XP for a standard event go onto the character you're playing at that event. I will talk to HQ's GM and get back to ya Robb.
Oooh yeah I'd need to know too. I'd like to blanket Gwen but assumed because it was a lowbie, that I couldn't. No risk of me PC'ing it as any character all the way over here, but if I can blanket in HQ rather than having to try to get more gobbies and use the Traverse event the same weekend that's be great.
Unfortunately I don't have time to create a new character for the lowbie.

So I will be playing Argus again.

It wil be nice to interact with the new or newer characters.

Toddo said:
My understanding has always been that if you PC an event the XP goes to the character you PC'd. You still have the option of using your XP blanket (purchased with gobbies) on whoever you want but the two days of XP for a standard event go onto the character you're playing at that event. I will talk to HQ's GM and get back to ya Robb.

Yes that's right.

Just to be clear: If you PC, the XP has to go to that character. If you NPC, you can choose which character you want for the XP.

You cannot use your Goblin Stamps to buy an XP blanket for an event you played, nor can you play in one chapter and get a goblin stamp blanket for that exact same weekend at another chapter.

All this is in the Rule Book, which I don't have here with me right now.
<-- still confused.

Can a player (beit NPC at the event or someone not attending) blanket a Character for the Low Level when that Character is over the Build Cap?