2011 Donations and Goblins Stamp Opportunities

(To be updated as needed)

Hey Guys,

Here is a list of the things we feel we may

Red/Black/Grey/Silver Makeup
Red and Black makeup detail pen
White Hairpaint
Barrier Spray
Spirit Gum
Hobling Sideburns
Elf Ears
Makeup Pads
Baby Wipes

(we can use any other color of course)


Townsfolk costuming including -Brown Pants, Vests, Shirts, etc.
Armor or "Fake" armor.
Black and White "Cow Pattern" Tabards (3-4)
Goblin Ears Hats (I'm hoping for some TC help here :) )


We are mostly good here but could use some volunteers to mend weapons for the 2011 season. If anyone is interested in comming over let me know.

2 crossbows (light or heavy)
Arrow/Bolt Packets (200-400)

Event Specific Reps:- Contact Plot prior to making these.

1 two handed hammer- Grey/Stone maybe a chain pattern with a fair chunk of volume for it. (only needed 1/2 events)

Green/Red/Black leather masquerade mask


Snacks for monster Camp
Paul, you know all you have to do is ask and you will receive masks.
if some one from out of stat wanted to ship you off stuff form this list where would they ship it to and whats you gobbying events restrictions? dose one need membership in your chapter, and if so whats that cost...

soon as i get the info ill put a care package together...
kittenpunk2 said:
if some one from out of stat wanted to ship you off stuff form this list where would they ship it to and whats you gobbying events restrictions? dose one need membership in your chapter, and if so whats that cost...

soon as i get the info ill put a care package together...

Donations from out of state can be shipped to:

Paul Foisy
1425 Fairway Dr.
Apt 201
Naperville, IL 60563

You do need a membership. Memberships are $15, and can be paid for via PayPal if you choose (there is a $2 surcharge for PayPal), sent to waysidelogistics@gmail.com . If you send a check or money order, it needs to be made out to "Paul Foisy". Memberships are good from now until the end of 2011.

You can gobby any event in the current month, or the prior three months, as long as you have a membership in good standing, and you have enough stamps.

Robert Sachs
General Manager
Alliance LARP Chicago
Hey Paul!

Unless you have drunk (tense?*) the water from last season you should still have 2 cases of water to start with. I'll let you know what make up I find today. I'm running to a costuming shop for someone today.

*My english major source isn't sure on this one.
I have aquired a bottle of barrier spray for now. Also will have some snackses too's!
Another Request, We are in need of 4-6 new shields for NPC camp, Max size please. Also, we need green cloth covers to go with them.
No need to rush this, though we would need them by the first weekend event.

Thanks guys.

I will try and make some shields.