2012 event schedule?


So I was wondering when you guys were going to post a schedule for this year, I know a few of us from Seattle are wanting to make and event or two.

Thank you,
A couple of us from the east coast would like to come visit too... Kinda need to buy plane tickets and such. Not trying to be a pain, I swear!
Last I heard, staff was working out final details before posting up a schedule of events...should be soon! :shades:

I look forward to it. :)

FyreChild, let us midwesterners know when you decide on an event maybe we can make this an invasion of SF :p
You don't want to hang out with those east coasters. They cause trouble. Lots of it.

(Kidding, I love you Illana, remember I was the best maid of honor ever before you unleash your fearsome red-head-glare at me! ;) )

I'm wondering, too. My boss likes to plan a month ahead, so I don't want to miss anything!
Of course we cause trouble. Fun trouble! And yes, mass invasion for the win!
I'm not going to start any trouble, the historical dialectic guarantees the fall of the Monarch-based governments as the people sieze the means of production and move towards collectivism. My presence may speed the coming of the glorious revolution, but rest assured it will inevitably come even without me.
Who may or may not be debuting his ant-kin out there, just getting into character.
Really toddo? I thought you were just going to pull the 'that family doesn't have enough members in it.' and play one more sarr ;).

Would be great to see you guys.

I'd consider it if it didn't mean I had to fly 3k miles to play with my team. :p
Yea I'd love to make a trip out this year too if the scheduling can work! :)
Just thought I'd poke one quick question - any more info on a possible June event? From what I can see plane tickets are much cheaper than in November, so I figured might as well ask :)

Apparently these are the dates the camp had available, it reminded me of CT's camp issues and NH's Boy Scout Camp shenanigans.

Stupid campsites. Just have to hit the mega jackpot, then there won't be this issue anymore...
Well, I'll try to mount an invasion for Nov of this year. :)

Anyone else down?

I'm not from Chicago, but can I still come?