2013 SoMN Demographic Quiz!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
There were a total of 90 different PC characters that appeared this year in SoMN! How many of them can you name? As a hint, here’s a breakdown of the races for you:
· 5 Barbarians
· 3 Biatas
· 3 Dark Elves
· 4.5 Dryads
· 5 Dwarves
· 9.5 Elves
· 8.9 Gypsies
· 1 High Ogre
· 0.1 High Orcs
· 3 Hoblings
· 25 Humans
· 5 Mystic Wood Elves
· 5 Sarr
· 0 Stone Elves...
· 12 Wylderkin

Looks like all the Stone Elves decided to stay in Pratorak this year.

Anyway, I am offering the grand reward of 2 whole Goblin Stamps (enough to gobby a Noisemaker trap!) to the first person who can name them all correctly! Now THAT'S what I call incentive.

BONUS QUESTION, worth a whopping 0.0083 Goblin Stamps: According to what he remembers, and his memory is pretty good, Alexander played a total of 9 different Magisters this year (not including Gandian)! How many of their titles can you recall?
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Barb: Cho, Ragnarok, Nakira, Kendra and Julfrig--single handidly beat the Addercob mod
Biatas: Zen, John and Socorra (how could I forget you!)
Vornae: Dure'hdel, Izz'rak and Vivianne
Dryads: Kale, Druid of Serenity Among Discord, Briar of First Forest, Purple Stuff Dagmara and Tim's brother who was at the game I wasn't at, the Sporekin.
Dwarves: Thorador, Thorgrim, Taz, Iganeous and
Elves: technically Asher, Katira, Davion, Jake's Elf Korval?, Bethaney, Tauran, Aldorian, Kaylin
Romani: Kit, Reagan, Roy, Kealit, Jamina, Sparrow, Talitha
Hobblings: Ewan, Fern, Kristin's hobbling,
High Ogre: GRONK
High Orc: *sad face*
Human: Benedine, Tets, York, Victor, Valintino, Kaidian, , Auroa, Squire Siril, Anthony, Nyio, , Lilly, Mithrodites, Artemis, Fiona, Kaito, Robin, Oswyn, Pandora (I think Renee came up), Vadis, Fredrick, Glaive, Val, Rolan, Nowon(Marshal's guy), Icey,
MWE: Gabe, Tandra, Jaimie's MWE Nova? and Vain (took forever to remember Daphne's MWE) and Ark....
Sarr: K'tarn, Asura, Rawra, Kokomo (Kendra's Sarr) and Zui (Dan's Sarr)
Stone Elves:
Wylderkin: Vermouth, Rhys, Jehyu, Lightning, Chip, Benjamin, Panda, Rein, Nahani, Neolani, Scat and Saito (if you count the work day), so 12 total :P

24 Humans though...that's a rough one.

Unknowns: Amberlee had a human?
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Note, I have edited my above numbers to reflect Asher during this year.
In order to even up the numbers, half of all humans will be forcibly race changed to Wylderkin....we'll be in touch with those being changed.
Barb: Cho, Ragnarok, Nakira, Kendra and Julfrig--single handidly beat the Addercob mod
Biatas: Zen, John and Socorra (how could I forget you!)
Vornae: Dure'hdel, Izz'rak and Vivianne
Dryads: Kale, Druid of Serenity Among Discord, Briar of First Forest, Purple Stuff Dagmara and Tim's brother who was at the game I wasn't at, the Sporekin.
Dwarves: Thorador, Thorgrim, Taz, Iganeous and
Elves: technically Asher, Katira, Davion, Jake's Elf Korval?, Bethaney, Tauran, Aldorian, Kaylin
Romani: Kit, Reagan, Roy, Kealit, Jamina, Sparrow, Talitha
Hobblings: Ewan, Fern, Kristin's hobbling,
High Ogre: GRONK
High Orc: *sad face*
Human: Benedine, Tets, York, Victor, Valintino, Kaidian, , Auroa, Squire Siril, Anthony, Nyio, , Lilly, Mithrodites, Artemis, Fiona, Kaito, Robin, Oswyn, Pandora (I think Renee came up), Vadis, Fredrick, Glaive, Val, Rolan, Nowon(Marshal's guy), Icey,
MWE: Gabe, Tandra, Jaimie's MWE Nova? and Vain (took forever to remember Daphne's MWE) and Ark....
Sarr: K'tarn, Asura, Rawra, Kokomo (Kendra's Sarr) and Zui (Dan's Sarr)
Stone Elves:
Wylderkin: Vermouth, Rhys, Jehyu, Lightning, Chip, Benjamin, Panda, Rein, Nahani, Neolani, Scat and Saito (if you count the work day), so 12 total :p

24 Humans though...that's a rough one.

Unknowns: Amberlee had a human?

Benedine is a hobling and Amberlee's character Nadia was a gypsy.
Well, I was a human when I came up...