2014 National Event Plot Staff - Applications now open.


As we continue to work our plans out for the National Event for 2014, we are looking for Plot Folks both big and small. Here are a few details, please review before volunteering (and if you have already volunteered, please do us the favor of submitting a request here to help keep things neat.)

First off, The overall plot "feel" and design has been pre-determined and we are looking for people to help flesh it out. While discussions are expected to be animated, some ideas may be altered or rejected in order to keep within the intended feeling of the game. This national Event will forego the usual 'A piece of everything' and instead focus on creating a land with it's own unique feel.

Secondly, All plot staff members will be REQUIRED to submit written summaries, currently this will likely be a monthly requirement to reflect on the ideas posted etc., but will ramp up as we get closer. Please, please, PLEASE do not offer to join the team if you are unable or unwilling to fulfill requirements on time, while we understand life happens, we expect plot members to stay ahead of the game to help ensure that unexpected events do not put us behind.

Third - We are asking that all plot members be able to attend the game, if you do not think you will be coming to the 2014 event, there will be a few contests to help you contribute to building it.

Fourth/finally - Plot members will be asked to be discreet and not share the plan for the National Event with friends etc. as we are endeavoring to have a sense of exploration to the world.

Still interested after all of that? You can PM you interest and experience here on the boards, post publically, or E-mail us at Nationalplot@mnalliance.com