2014 Schedule!


That's right folks it's that time again, we did our best to avoid conflicting with other activities!

February 22rd - Iron Man one-day - To be held at the rustic Jordan site. (non-subtle reminder, the owner's birthday is the 25th)
March 29th - Regular Man One-day to be held at the nicer Rosemount site.
April 25th-27th - Weekend Event - Camp Stearns Heritage+Granger site
May 16th-18th - Weekend Event - Camp Matta
June 20th-22nd - Weekend Event - Camp Matta
July 12th - Work+Mod day Camp Matta
August 1st-3rd - Weekend Event - Camp Matta
August 29th- September 1st - National Event 3 day - Camp Phillipo
October 17th-19th - Season Closer - Pending
November 8th-9th - Banquet event. - Pending
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Best birthday present ever! Not only do I get an event for my birthday, it's the national event :D
Due to unavoidable conflicts with site reservations we have moved our second one day back a single week to the 29th, This will still be at the Rosemount site we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
You're so kind, putting it back a week in time for me to get back from Mexico :)
I've requested the April dates off (won't know until the first if it'll be approved or not) for my first ever Larping experience, I was wondering if there is a location for it yet so I can plan my drive up from the Waterloo IA area.
Not yet, but we'll be announcing April shortly once we lock down the specific location.
Event dates have been updated with Site Locations, How exciting!
Is there a date set for the July One Day yet?
We are trying to determine one, the work day maybe be canceled due to a high number of conflicts, specifically the Ren in the Glen and the Chicago one-day event. We'll keep everyone posted. shortly.
Please note that we have updated the above schedule to include the July Work/Mod Day on Saturday, July 12th! See this post for more details!