2015 Season Teaser


Even though it is not the official seat, Lycergis has taken a liking to the town of Bonney. It has become a bit more lavish recently. The throne room is brightly lit and there is much activity around. On this day, a younger knight is giving him a briefing on his old foe Bleak.

As the young knight speaks it becomes ever more clear to Lycergis that this report is much different than the reports he was given during the “Age of Many Kings.” Whereas Bleak's armies have traditionally composed as an unorganized mess in Bleak's wake, they now form ranks. Whereas they had singular orders, they now move with purpose. Whereas they had no thought, they now are led by intelligent creatures.

Lycergis fills with worry. Bleak, an ever stronger enemy who did not see the world like mortal men, has become tactical. Lycergis begins to bark orders to refortify the keep. His army follows his every command. But Lycergis begins to trail off. His barking turns into speaking, turns into whispers, until there is silence. To the amazement of everyone, Lycergis then bellows, “Good!” He sits back down on his throne. Everyone is staring at him, anticipating the orders to come. Instead, Lycergis begins to stroke his beard. He contemplates the report that the young knight gave him. He wonders, “Why would Bleak do this now?” Bleak's armies were not even organized when Augustus the First, Grevin Anvilstrike, and Lycergis tried to defeat Bleak. The army was so powerful that they were only capable of trapping Bleak. This power was unimaginable, even for a dragon. Bleak has had no reason to change. In this instance the answer came to Lycergis. Bleak, after all these years, is thinking like a mortal. And then something that very rarely happens, happened. Lycergis smiled. He knows that Bleak is capable of dying.

Lycergis' smile would soon be interrupted as his throne room doors are blown open. A large Barbarian steps in. He's bearded, wearing a cloak made from bear fur, and the arm of the bear is draped over his chest. His most shocking feature is the several scars where his eye should be and an unnatural blackness in his socket. Lycergis' knights move to put this man down, but their swords and maces pass through him as he approaches the throne room. Lyrcergis doesn't rise from his throne. Instead he sits, not amused, waiting to hear what this man wants. Unhindered the man moves closer and closer until he's right in front of Lyrcegis.

When he speaks his voice hits everyone like a cold wind.

"I'm going to tell you what is about to happen. I lack the power to deal with it alone. I'm left weak and with few allies. The veil between the spirit world has been weakened much over the past 2 years. Valbridge and much of your kingdom is in danger. I know you have a score to settle with the dragon far to the east, but this problem will not turn out well for you people if you do not move to act"

Lycergis nods for his men to back off and for this man to continue.

"My name is Breg and I come with a warning. Spirit creatures have gathered and set into motion a plan. They're siphoning power from the death created by that dragon and they will rip up those resting to an area east of Valbridge to force an empire from nothingness. They will bind it to Kundrik using towers made from flesh, blood, and suffering. With some help, they have made this area their home surrounded by an immense an powerful army. But they won't stop until they've pushed farther. Auor" He clears his throat. "The Baroness of Valbridge won't have the forces to stop what's about to happen and neither will you, but perhaps you can rally those who can. You won't be able to enter their area since it is too close to the spiritual world; any who enter will have their spirits ripped from their bodies. Anyone who wishes to proceed will need to have their eyes opened to the spirit world. Once this is done we can move on them. I will return to continue fact finding. I trust you can find Shamans who can advise you on how to proceed until I return."

The barbarian turns his back and begins to walk out.

"One last thing, I wouldn't plan on trying to move your army through the Waymaker stone to refortify your fort in the middle of the continent if I were you. Gypsies built the Waymaker network and you know how into their ancestral spirits they can be. It seems like more and more people end up in Valbridge when they intend to go elsewhere. Almost as if the network is intentionally trying to bring aid."

Lycergis is left sitting on his throne, a familiar scowl adorns his face.