2021 National Event: Logistics & Volunteer Information

Shen [he/him]


As we gear up for the 2021 National Event, there are a few things your Logistics Team would like you to know. Keep an eye on the Registration Thread for updates on your status for registration and payment. Ideally CMA registrations need to be 100% completed by Tuesday August 24th. Registrations done after this time are still accepted and encouraged; however due to final event meeting plans versus life & work, you may experience a slower check in due to maybe not having your envelope prepared in advance. CMA registration also includes Medical information such as listing any allergies (food and otherwise) as well as anything you feel our Medical Team may need to know.

We have a lot of different buildings around our wonderful site that are going to be used. So, if you are traveling with a group of friends or IC Group/guild Don't forget to fill out the form for sleeping arrangements . Those with electrical needs for medical equipment, should especially fill this form out as we will use it to try to ensure you have a sleeping location in the medical building or another location which can meet medical needs.

The current plan is that we will have Nationals Volunteers onsite to help direct you when you arrive. Our Welcome Committee will assist you with both directions and directing the flow of traffic. The Site has one primary road that goes throughout that only supports country road style two-lane traffic. For this reason, it does not safely support the amount of traffic we will be expecting in addition to pedestrian traffic. So we will be asking all participants to park in the parking lot, and then report to Logistics. Once Finished with logistics, your final step is to meet our Site Tour Guides who will show you where your cabin is. Then unload at that location. As it is too early to cast Foresee The Weather to any accurate result, plan to carry things more than drive them. Depending on your cabin's location and traffic, driving to it may not be easily accomplished. No fear, our Welcome Committee will be well versed with the site and the conditions to be able to direct you.

What to bring to Day 1 Logistics Check-in?
  • Payment
    • PayPal receipt
    • Cash or check
  • Signed safety waiver to play
    • Available at Check-In
      • They will soon be available for Download... Make sure to check this post for that update. You will then be able to read, print, sign and bring with you to Logistics.
    • All participants must sign this
  • If applicable, collect Production
  • If applicable, collect or spend Coin
  • Magic Item Reps/Tags (For those that were not able to be pre-register them)
  • Weapons for safety check (Can be done at Logistics, or at Main Tavern)

If you are coming (local players and not local players alike) and looking to help with something specific or just attempt to be helpful. We currently have spots open. If you would like to help please fill out this quick form. We will be accepting responses until August 24th. While we understand the generous nature of our players we will not be able to accept everyone who offers their assistance. Our current planned scope for volunteers is:
  • Logistics
  • Site Tour Guides
  • Armor/Weapon Checks
  • Transportation
  • Shipping/Receiving
  • Loaned Gear & Items
  • Décor
  • Just wanting to be helpful and have duties as assigned.
Volunteers will be organized on the Chicago Chapter Discord.

We can't wait to see you at the 2021 National Event!

Your 2021 National Event Logistics Team
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We are now eight days from our pre-registration deadline of Aug 24th.

Pre-registraion is super important to assist multiple parts of the National Event Staff. It is also, important for you....
  • Your Event check-in will be faster, as everything will be in your player envelope.
  • We will have better luck assigning you a cabin that match your requests.
  • Medical & Kitchen learns about allergies and prepare for any accommodations you may need.
  • 100% complete pre-reg by the deadline gives you a National Reagent.
  • Pre-paying by the deadline gives you a National Reagent.
All this being said, after this time "pre" registration is over and we move into regular registration. Normal registration. Normal registration will continue to be evaluated and looked at but the Logistics, Medical and Kitchen staffs can no longer gaurentee reasonable accommodations. Nor can we gaurentee that all of your needs will be resolved and waiting for you in your player envelope- possibly resulting in a slower check in.

Registration Reminders
  • New character starting gear should be listed in the GS question. If you are making a character for the first time, feel free to house it in Chicago and we can transfer it to your local game after the event.
  • Stamps usage must list the chapter in which you using the "pre reg stamps from any chapter" benifit that nationals has. If you do not list a chapter, our staff will not make any assumptions on your behalf and will slow down your check-in to resolve this upon arrival.
  • Stamps limitations are **currently** maximums regardless of chapter. Thus anything which has a limitation listed in the PG, page 85-86. The limit, you can just achieve this from any combination of chapter Stamps. Should this change, it will be announced.
  • The advantage of using any chapters stamps can only be honored if it is in your CMA registration and only for the first Logistics Period. Assuming the logistics teams understanding of National Bylaws is accurate - once you are checking in, this ability no longer exists. You must have registered your request prior to arrival, at checkin you must have/use Chicago Stamps, and only Chicago Stamps are usable for 2nd and 3rd Logistics Periods.
  • Make sure to include relevant allergy information both for life things and for food things.
  • If you have recently been covid-19 vaccination, make sure to update your registration as nessecary.

Step by step arrival & check in will be posted as we get closer to the event and have a better idea of volunteers and weather.

Feel free to post any questions you may have.
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How is Logistics going to work vaccination review? Should we send a email with vaccination records or covid card photo?

Thank You,
An email with the card will work fine, showing it in person, or via a direct message to Alexander, myself, or one of our logistics folks all work.

Most Chicago based folks have showed the information at this point.