2025 Leadership Agreement

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Minnesota Staff
In the Alliance organization the In-Game (IG) leadership has become the most common faces of each chapter both IG and Out-of-Game (OOG). Their guidance and decisions on IG plots have led to them being the principle introduction that many players receive into how the game is meant to function. From mandated town auctions to cut downs on thievery, to defending or castigating the monstrous races, the IG leadership has been majorly influential in how this chapter has changed over the years.

As we move forward, we want to impress upon our IG leadership players the importance of their responsibilities. Being part of leadership means that those players will have a principle influence in how the story progresses in years to come. We want that influence to be used in a way that is inclusive to the rest of the player base, encourages fair play, and does its best to make sure that everyone is enjoying their time at our events.

To that end we are adopting the following set of guidelines to govern our IG leadership. These guidelines will supersede any IG Noble Code or Law which may be introduced, as this code is intended to guide the player’s actions. We do not intend to purposefully provide conflict between the two, but should conflict arise we expect this code to be the most important part of your decision making. Please let us know if you feel there is conflict between any IG code and this document.

IG Responsibilities:​

  1. Once you assume a leadership position In-Game, you will make best efforts to attend at least half of the events in a given season as that character. If there are extenuating circumstances you are expected to reach out to Plot or other staff members to let them know. As a leader you will not be made an NPC, but you will become an integral part of the game world and story we are telling together. Your absence will need to be accounted for in the best way possible.
  2. As a leader we expect you to reach out to other players IG, especially new PCs. Please make an honest effort to not segregate yourself. You are now an arm of our organization, and we would rather see that arm open, rather than closed off to others.
  3. As an organization, Alliance Minnesota believes in a Player vs Environment setting. The stories we wish to tell and the overall feel we believe our game should be centered around this. As a leader you will be expected to foster this to help us tell these stories. We expect you to avoid participating in words or actions that will spawn or foster a toxic Player vs Player game.
  4. Fulfill the duties laid out for you by the NPC leadership, both in formal laws and in decrees.

OOG Responsibilities:​

  1. We wish to create an inclusive and friendly environment in which players not only feel included, but wanted as well. As such we expect our leaders to remember that above all else, this is a game. At the end of the day it’s purpose is to provide fun and enjoyment to its players, so we ask that you act accordingly.
  2. As a PC Leader you may be one of the most common points of contact some players have with our organization. As one of the faces of the organization we expect PC leaders to be respectful of other players and of their characters.
  3. As a common point of contact with our players, you may become the person in our organization with whom they are most comfortable bringing their concerns to. We expect that you will bring any player concerns you receive to the ownership and GMs so that they may be addressed appropriately and so we can keep a close ear on what our players need and desire. You are expected to not attempt to address player concerns yourself if they are OOG or meta issues.
  4. Above all, this is a game. As one of our most active PCs, if you are not having fun or are feeling unengaged, we NEED to know. Please reach out to a staff member and let us know. We want you to become part of the heart that beats to keep this organization alive. If you feel you are not thriving in our game we consider that a serious problem and want to see what we can do to breath life back into the game for you.
The Common Nobility titles of Squire, Courtier, Knight, Viscount, Baron, and Count are all expected to uphold this agreement, as are players within the Subfactions that hold the ranks of Magician, Master Magician, Senior Merchant, Master Merchant, Captain, Major, Explorer, Pioneer, Slayer, and Master Hunter.

Failure to support these responsibilities will result in a conference with the Plot staff and Ownership to determine if the player should continue to hold a title or out right revocation without notice depending on the severity of the issue at hand.
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