3 Classes Same Race?


My question is this would it be possible for me to have 3 diffrent character's of 3 diffrent classes but have all 3 be the same race?Due to the fact I want to have an Orc Warrior,Orc Shaman,Orc (Leather user of some sort).I still havent purchased a rulebook yet still borke and busy packing.

I'd recommend against it, unless you go way out of your way to make them distinctly different in appearance (like giving one black hair, and another one blond with one eye, and the third one with a red hair, a big bushy beard, and no left arm, or some such). Also, "shaman" and "leather user" aren't really classes, and with the fluid class system, your class may very well shift, particularly early on.
I'd suggest getting the rulebook before making any advanced character creation ideas, you may find something in there you'd never thought of and would love to play!
good choice in orc.

second, Cass doesn't matter in this system as much except for how much each skill cost. other wise you have most all of the skills available to you (except for racial ones like gypsy curse).

I went though the list of skills I wanted, all of them not just my starters, and added them up for each class then pick the lowest cost.

Plus its hard earning xp. only about one game and one day earned with donations a month. I think it would be hard to keep up three characters. I don't plan on pumping up a back up character till I die a little more.
In our game, you can be a warrior shaman. The "classes" aren't restrictions. Every class can buy every skill.

Buying a Rule Book is very important for a new player! You'll get some great ideas once you read it! :)
Personally when I go at a character in any LARP situation I write the story before I write anything. I just sketch it out and then as I'm writing it I begin to realize "Hey this guy feels like a mage with a sword on his back and etc etc." My point is to imagine the character in your mind and figure out where you feel s/he best fits as far as skills are concerned.

On and one little piece of advice, just focus on one character at a time. Or make this character all three in Alliance that's possible. He could cast a little healing magic, have a hammer and be able to make leather armor. ;)
Note that the classes in Alliance are Fluid. That means you can switch between one class and the other depending upon which is the cheapest point cost for you.

For example, you could start as a fighter with a lot of combat skills, then start learning magic. If it becomes cheaper in build points to be a Templar with all of the skills you've purchased, you can then switch over to a Templar. You cannot lose any skills though.