3Day Event Scheduling

If we were to host a 3-day event on a non-Holiday weekend, would you prefer that we...

  • Start on Thursday Night?

    Votes: 33 84.6%
  • End on Monday Afternoon?

    Votes: 6 15.4%

  • Total voters


Hello Everyone!

We are looking at several non-Holiday weekends to host a 3-day event. That said, we would like to know what the general preference is about which day to add to the event - Thursday or Monday. In order to help us best plan our event schedule, we would like your input. Please take a moment to respond to this poll with your preference.
I feel like starting on thursday is better so that people that miss the extra day don't miss the climax of the event.
For me, it's unlikely that I'd be able to do either on a non-holiday weekend, but thursday has a slightly above zero chance.
I agree with what's been said. A 3 day event on a non-holiday weekend would not be ideal for me. Stupid work. I personally would still be inclined to arrive but it would be a bummer to either miss the opening plot stuff on Thursday as well as the climax of plot stuff on Monday, depending on which way you go.

As an alternative, I think it would be awesome to just start game earlier on Friday, say early evening, or even afternoon for some stuff, and go until later in the day on Sunday and run more than just pick up mods and comic relief stuff. Essentially filling out the normal weekend time we already play. This might also allow more sleep hours for both PC's and NPC's, which is always awesome for us older fogies!

Just my two copper!

Keep responding folks....let's get a consensus!

It's easier for me to take one day off (Monday) than two days off (Thursday and Friday). I am lucky enough to have a job that is incredibly easy to get time off from, as well. I know a lot of people are not as fortunate as I am in that regard.
Just spitballing here, but it would be cool if plot could account for players unable to attend non holiday three days and by running "catch-up" modules for late arrivals or early departures.
Just out of curiosity....and I'm new out here so I'm still learning how ya'll do things....but...

Is it common to run non-holiday weekend 3 day events out here? I've never heard of such a thing and since it seems that your player base is slightly older, (I.E., not on summer school vacation), I'm curious to know how many of you fine folks actually can get time off from work, or just are able to plan for something like this?

Personally I LOVE 3 day weekends, but would hate to miss the extra time due to work and other real life stuffs that I can't sacrifice for game time.
A 3 day event was run in April of this year, and turnout was great. This was run from Friday night until Monday. I did hear the feedback that people tend to have an easier time getting Friday off than Monday, and would prefer to miss the very beginning of an event than the end. Additionally, last year we did a 4-day event over labor day weekend, and many people seemed able to take Thursday/Friday off.

Historically, we've been able to get sites on some of the Holiday 3 day weekends. Those sites have increased some in popularity over the years, making them (particularly, Millersylvania) difficult to book over holiday weekends.

Non-Holiday 3 day events aren't a regular occurrence - it's something we're thinking of experimenting with so we have the opportunity to host a 3 day at all. Ideally, we would be able to get Millersylvania over Holiday weekends, but that hasn't panned out for 2015.

I hope that helps to clarify! :-)
Hey Girl,

Thanks for the clarification. I totally understand how hard it is to get sites booked. Seems to be an Alliance wide problem, with a few exceptions.

Personally I LOVE 3 day events, it was just the non-holiday weekend thing that I hadn't heard of.

Thanks for the follow up! You know I love information! :wink:

See you soon!
