4 boxes of 10 components + one catalyst for auction


Hello young masters and mistresses,

The Fey have decided to make an offering to our auction.

This one takes a little explaining. I have four boxes, each guaranteed to have 10 components in them. The kicker is that one of them has a catalyst in it as well. We do not know which box, or which catalyst.

For more information read my posts in the tavern under

I will take all the bids here for all four boxes since they are all the same to our knowledge. If you should win from afar I can send by my own personal caravan your box to you.

I will start the bids at 5 gold per box,
Best of luck bidding,
Bob the Blacksmith
I have four bids of 10 gold per box

Good Luck Bidding,
They will all have 3 years of usefulness left from the date of the auction. The fey find them fresh
3 boxes now have a bid of 16 gold

one is still at 15 gold.

All bids are anonymous, best of luck to future bids,
All bidding in the dream realms will end on the 10th day of the 3rd month to give me time to tabulate and collect all the information into something comprehensive enough for the live auction that will take place on the 12th day of the 3rd month at the Ducal Manor of Barclay.
I would like to place a bid of 18 gold each for two separate boxes.

Many thanks,
Polare Lissenstine
Baron of Keystone Village, Andar
I will bid 18 each for the other two boxes.
I currently have 3 boxes for 21 gold by a bidder that wishes to anonymous

So that leaves one box for Baron Polare at 18 gold since he was the first bidder to achieve that amount. The boxes will be chosen randomly at the auction any live bidder will have their first choice and on down the line. If I am bidding by proxy, I will choose one randomly and set it aside in my caravan until payment arrives.

Many blessings,

(oog - I may not be able to send the boxes depending on size, make and plot approval)
22 gold each for two of the boxes.

-Valím et al
Then in this case Valim has two boxes at 22 gold
and my anonymous bidder at two boxes for 21 gold

Best of luck bidding,
I have an anonymous bidder that bids 25 gold on all four boxes, but I have a previous proxy by another anonymous bidder, so there are two boxes now at 25 and two boxes at 26 both by anonymous bidders. If you are as confused as I am, you may send a private message to clarify.

best of luck bidding,
I have an anonymous bid for 28 gold per box...this person has all four boxes

best of luck bidding,
BtB said:
I have an anonymous bidder that bids 25 gold on all four boxes, but I have a previous proxy by another anonymous bidder, so there are two boxes now at 25 and two boxes at 26 both by anonymous bidders. If you are as confused as I am, you may send a private message to clarify.

best of luck bidding,

We return to to the state above, the bidder at 28 gold has retracted their bids

best of luck bidding,
Bidding is closed, if you wish to buy anything at this point, contact someone you know will be at the live auction. I will still offer my services as a proxy, but no bids will be posted here. I will put up the winning price, but not who won, when I return from marketday and have time to dream. Thank you for following along.

Bob the Blacksmith
These sold for 35 gold each